• TraditionalMuslim
    1 year ago

    Not true. The more parents encourage their kids to support LGBT, the more confused kids will be. It’s not bigotry if you care about your kid’s wellbeing.

    • irmoz
      1 year ago

      “Mummy, why are those two men holding hands?”

      “They’re in love, like me and daddy.”

      “Oh, right.”

      What’s confusing about that?

      • TraditionalMuslim
        1 year ago

        Are you assuming every couple is gay or something? Because that example makes no sense. A kid who has a mom and w dad will be confused why some other kid has 2 moms or 2 dads.

        • irmoz
          1 year ago

          Can you read? This is a kid with hetero patents - “mummy and daddy” doesn’t sound gay to me… He sees two men together. And yet there is no confusion. It’s easily explained - they are in love.

          • TraditionalMuslim
            1 year ago

            Could’ve sworn I saw you mention daddy twice. But maybe I just misread.

            That doesn’t help the child understand. They would think that these types of relationships are ok. And how would you explain where the kids come from? Adoption? This would be two walks of life the child has to understand and think about which one is for them. So it does add to the confusion. Exposing this stuff early on is very dangerous, just like how you wouldn’t expose your kid to certain things until they are more mature to understand.

            • irmoz
              1 year ago

              That doesn’t help the child understand. They would think that these types of relationships are ok.

              Sounds like they do understand, because these relationships are indeed ok.

              how would you explain where the kids come from? Adoption?

              Yes. Because that’s generally how it works.

              This would be two walks of life the child has to understand and think about which one is for them.

              That’s not how lifestyles or human thought works. You don’t live a certain way simply as an advertisement, as a suggestion for how others should live, with every action you do serving as instructions for others to emulate, as if you see yourself as some kind of god… right? That is so absurd.

              Plus, seeing someone living differently isn’t a suggestion for you to live like that. That is absurd. I don’t see people on bikes and think, “are they telling me to ride a bike?”

              Do you?

              Also, being gay is not, as you imply, some lifestyle you choose. It’s like having brown hair or being genetically predisposed to taste Hershey’s chocolate as vomit.

              Plus, no one would choose to subject themselves to a life of abuse from people like you.

              So it does add to the confusion. Exposing this stuff early on is very dangerous, just like how you wouldn’t expose your kid to certain things until they are more mature to understand.

              There is no confusion. Explain being gay takes one sentence as I already demonstrated (and you haven’t even attempted to refute). Adoption is just as easy. “Someone else made the baby, but these two are going to raise the baby and be their parents.”

              Maybe you just suck at explaining things.

              • TraditionalMuslim
                11 months ago

                That’s not how lifestyles or human thought works. You don’t live a certain way simply as an advertisement, as a suggestion for how others should live, with every action you do serving as instructions for others to emulate, as if you see yourself as some kind of god… right? That is so absurd.

                That is in fact how human psychology works. Whatever you expose yourself to, if you expose it enough times, you start to think it’s normal.

                Also saying I’m some kind of god is actually projection. I choose to live my lifestyle according to God, not because I feel like it, but because I know that God is All-Knowing and He knows what is best for humanity.

                Plus, seeing someone living differently isn’t a suggestion for you to live like that. That is absurd. I don’t see people on bikes and think, “are they telling me to ride a bike?”

                They are. Whatever lifestyle you choose to live by and present publicly is an advertisement saying this is the walk of life that is best and everyone should follow it. Why do you think brands like Apple, Louis Vuitton, Guchi are so successful? People buy it to show off to others saying they are rich. You and I might not think like that, but this is just human psychology. Whatever you see, you want to be. That is why you should be careful what you expose yourself to. Regardless of how much “willpower” you think you have.

                Also, being gay is not, as you imply, some lifestyle you choose. It’s like having brown hair or being genetically predisposed to taste Hershey’s chocolate as vomit.

                That is not entirely true. Being homosexual is not something you are born with. You can develop these attractions due to certain life experiences but you are not born with it. Scientifically speaking, there is no “Gay Gene” and that has been debunked.

                There is no confusion. Explain being gay takes one sentence as I already demonstrated (and you haven’t even attempted to refute). Adoption is just as easy. “Someone else made the baby, but these two are going to raise the baby and be their parents.”

                Sure you can go ahead and explain it to them. But they have to understand that it is not “normal”. You might say that sounds homophobic but I’m just saying the fact here. Being gay is not normal and needs to be treated like that. It may or may not be their fault that they end up this why, but you can’t treat it like a normal behavior. Another example of this would be like Autism, I don’t blame the person who has this, but I’m not going to say they are normal.

                • irmoz
                  11 months ago

                  It’s so sad that you can’t see you’re just blinded by your own biases. No, it is normal, you are just personally not okay with it. And because you don’t like it, you assume this distaste to be the standard, an objective truth.

                  I don’t like pineapple on pizza, but that doesn’t mean it should be a crime.

                  Also, no, you do not live as an advertisement, and it is unhinged that you took that rhetorical absurd question and actually answered it in the affirmative. This is such an exhausting way to look at the world, constantly assuming everyone is asking you to be just like them.

                  Why do kids “need to understand it is not normal”? Explain. Because to me, it sounds like you just don’t want kids to think differently from you specifically.

                  Also, you can fuck right off with that bullshit about autism.

                  • TraditionalMuslim
                    11 months ago

                    It’s so sad that you can’t see you’re just blinded by your own biases. No, it is normal, you are just personally not okay with it. And because you don’t like it, you assume this distaste to be the standard, an objective truth.

                    Normal according to who? You? If neither of our opinions matter then who’s to say what is right and wrong? Also, I don’t make things an objective truth just because I simply don’t like it. I get my morals and values from Islam and try to follow them the best I can. I don’t claim to be a perfect example but I will keep trying to improve.

                    Also, no, you do not live as an advertisement, and it is unhinged that you took that rhetorical absurd question and actually answered it in the affirmative. This is such an exhausting way to look at the world, constantly assuming everyone is asking you to be just like them.

                    I mean it is what it is. You influence people’s behaviors, thoughts, and decisions whether you like or not based on whatever public acts you do. If you don’t want to influence people in this way, then do those things privately.

                    I don’t like pineapple on pizza, but that doesn’t mean it should be a crime.

                    I’m not arbitrarily making things I don’t like to be crimes. I’m using the Quran to make those judgements. Based on the Quran, homosexuality is a major sin, so I’m going to despise that deed because of that.

                    Why do kids “need to understand it is not normal”? Explain. Because to me, it sounds like you just don’t want kids to think differently from you specifically.

                    Because it’s important to know that. It’s important to know a serial killer, sociopath, psycopath, suicidal thoughts etc are not normal. It is to safe guard your kid from greater harm and for them to know to try their best to fix the problem if they have it. Otherwise, they will continue to act according to their desires which may harm society.

                    Also, you can fuck right off with that bullshit about autism.

                    Don’t like that example cuz it hurts to know the truth right? I even said that autistic folk are not at fault because of what they have. They go to special school, have special needs, etc. They are different from the vast majority of people. To say they are normal though is copium.

    • BeigeAgenda@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      You know it is possible for parents to explain LGBT to kids in a positive way without this triggering them to become one.

      It’s not bigotry if you care about your kid’s wellbeing.

      I don’t buy that for a second, parents who instill hate or fear in their kids against a group of people are doing it wrong.

      • TraditionalMuslim
        1 year ago

        You can explain it to them when they are older and more mature. Maybe after puberty or something. But not when they are toddlers.

        We have to be careful what we expose our kids to. Whatever they consume, they will imitate. This is human psychology. If you expose them to abuse, they will abuse. If you expose them to porn, they will watch porn. If you expose them LGBT, they will be LGBT.

        • BeigeAgenda@lemmy.ca
          1 year ago

          Of cause a child’s age has everything to say about at what level and detail you explain things.

          Regarding abuse, porn, etc.

          What we should do as parents is give our kids enough knowledge and tools to handle it when they eventually will get exposed to it. (Of cause appropriate to their age).

          What we should not do is to hide everything away and never speak about touchy subjects, or make the kid afraid of a group of people, because then we make it very easy for people to abuse our kids when they are teenagers or young adults as they don’t know anything about the world. There’s countless examples of this.