• TraditionalMuslim
    11 months ago

    Because there is no limits set in place. There is no morality or ethics to base off of so what is there to stop this from progressing to that level. If you claim that they do have a set of morals and ethics, what are they based off of? Arbitrary individual assessment? Whatever the majority says? What would that measuring stick be? And is that measuring stick objective?

    • irmoz
      11 months ago

      There is no morality or ethics to base off

      Yes, there are.

      what is there to stop this from progressing to that level.

      The fact that they are unrelated and not in any way a logical progression. What makes you even think thete is a “next step”? What’s the plan, the end goal for The Gays?

      2, 4, 6, 8

      What’s next? Is it J?

      you claim that they do have a set of morals and ethics, what are they based off of? Arbitrary individual assessment? Whatever the majority says? What would that measuring stick be? And is that measuring stick objective?

      Human conscience.

      • TraditionalMuslim
        11 months ago

        Yes, there are.


        The fact that they are unrelated and not in any way a logical progression. What makes you even think thete is a “next step”? What’s the plan, the end goal for The Gays?

        The end goal here is to fulfill as many of your desires as possible and label it under sexual freedom and liberation. It’s to continue to chase your desires and say there is nothing wrong about it while at the same time breaking apart the family unit.

        Human conscience.

        Care to explain? I’m not sure what your belief system but many atheists will believe in conscience while not believing in God which is so ironic. Conscience is something you can’t see or measure under a microscope. We don’t even know what it is and where it came from but we will say that it exists because we can see the effects of it while at the same time disbelieve in God’s existence, the One who created all of existence in the first place.

        It also entraps them because to say you don’t believe in conscience is like saying you don’t exist.

        • irmoz
          11 months ago


          Like the baseline human aversion to harming others

          Your reasoning is circular. I can say anything and you’ll call it evidence for God. It’s absurd.

          The conscience is an evolutionary adaptation for the social species, giving the individual an aversion to harming others. No god needed.

          • TraditionalMuslim
            11 months ago

            Like the baseline human aversion to harming others

            Any evidence for that? In Islan we call that the fitra. The natural disposition that God placed in our souls. Every baby born, is born upon the fitra, the innate human nature . However this can be changed or corrupted due to people’s environments and people begin to accept immoral acts. Case in pont about homosexuality. It is goes against the fitra.

            Your reasoning is circular. I can say anything and you’ll call it evidence for God. It’s absurd.

            How is my reasoning circular? Can you explain how the universe/creation/existence started? There must be an initial force or power to place these things in motion. The universe wasn’t created in vacuum. If you think that, then I think the only one absurd is you because you are saying something can come from nothing.

            The conscience is an evolutionary adaptation for the social species, giving the individual an aversion to harming others. No god needed.

            What is the evidence for that? These are just theories you are posing but none of them can be proven scientifically. Like I said, you can’t measure the conscience under a microscope. You can’t even interact with it. Heck, scientists and philosophers can’t even agree on what the defintion is and what it entails.

            • irmoz
              11 months ago

              Any evidence for that?

              Countless decades of research into human behaviour.

              In Islan we call that the fitra

              Yes, many religions claim to be able to explain these things.

              The natural disposition that God placed in our souls.

              Any evidence God placed it there?

              However this can be changed or corrupted due to people’s environments and people begin to accept immoral acts. Case in pont about homosexuality. It is goes against the fitra.

              How is it a corruption? Who is harmed?

              How is my reasoning circular? Can you explain how the universe/creation/existence started?

              What makes you think it “started”? It has always existed. You are only assuming it started, since you already believe your God created it, and therefore that must mean it started. And for anything you can no longer deny, then oh dear, must be evidence for god, like the conscience.

              There must be an initial force or power to place these things in motion.

              What makes you say that?

              The universe wasn’t created in vacuum.

              The vast majority of the universe is literally vacuum. And it wasn’t “created” - it has always existed.

              If you think that, then I think the only one absurd is you because you are saying something can come from nothing.

              It didn’t come from anywhere it all. Again, it has always been. Also, if you believe it was created, it is you who believes it came from nothing, and therefore you believing the absurd.

              What is the evidence for that? These are just theories you are posing but none of them can be proven scientifically.




              https://books.google.co.uk/books?hl=en&lr=&id=lzsPBAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA27&dq=evolutionary+basis+for+conscience&ots=n2aHpix__E&sig=s-WfbYYj2D__-Da47xpxrenhL4s#v=onepage&q=evolutionary basis for conscience&f=false

              I’m assuming you haven’t even attempted to confirm your assumption that this hasn’t ever been studied.

              you can’t measure the conscience under a microscope.

              You can’t measure gravity under a microscope, either, or love. Yet we know these exist. I could turn this back on you - you can’t measure God under a microscope.

              You can’t even interact with it.

              Oh, you most certainly can. Suggest to a person that you’d like to go kill a puppy. You will find yourself face to face with the effects of their conscience.

              Heck, scientists and philosophers can’t even agree on what the defintion is and what it entails.

              The lack of a coherent definition does not entail its non-existence. I encourage you to attempt to define a chair, or a castle, in a satisfactory way that doesn’t exclude obvious chairs or castles, or include obvious non-chairs or castles. You’ll find this quite difficult, I assure you. And yet, this will not shake your belief in the existence of chairs or castles, will it?

              I’m also left wondering where you’re going with this, since you leave no conclusion after suggesting that the conscience is a slippery concept. Are you, then, going to suggest that the conscience doesn’t exist, after earlier suggesting that the conscience is a gift from God himself? Why, it’s hard to even pin down what your argument is, since you change it moment to moment, based on what supports your continued simping for your Sky Fairy who hates gays.

              • TraditionalMuslim
                11 months ago

                The links you posted only contain the abstracts so I don’t have access to the full papers. Also all of them seem to base their research on the assumption of darwinian evolution which isn’t proven scientifically either. It’s a theory at the end of the day. Unlike Gravity which was promoted to a law because we can physically evaluate the effects of gravity. Evolution suggests humans evolved from apes just because we have similar properties but correlation does not equal causation.

                What makes you think it “started”? It has always existed. You are only assuming it started, since you already believe your God created it, and therefore that must mean it started. And for anything you can no longer deny, then oh dear, must be evidence for god, like the conscience.

                Countless research suggesting it has a beginning. Your basless claim that the universe always existed has no evidence. Whereas the conclusion that the universe has a beginning has much stronger evidence.

                What makes you say that?

                Because the universe has a beginning. The universe can’t create itself and it hasn’t always existed. You are left with only one option. The universe was created by an outside force. Something outside of the isolated system known as the universe.

                It didn’t come from anywhere it all. Again, it has always been. Also, if you believe it was created, it is you who believes it came from nothing, and therefore you believing the absurd.

                I’m not saying it came from nothing. I’m saying God created it. Which is not nothing. God is One and Self-Sufficient. Has no beginning nor end. And there is nothing comparable to Him. God creating the universe makes more sense than saying everything came from nothing. If you believe the universe always existed, that is a false assumption.

                The vast majority of the universe is literally vacuum. And it wasn’t “created” - it has always existed.

                That is complete nonsense. The fact you make this claim shows you never bothered to look into the origin of the universe. We have an estimated time when it started, 13.5 billion years ago. If the universe always existed, it would mean we have an infinite past and we would never exist in the first place. Also by you saying the universe always existed, are you implying that is your god? After all it led to your creation. Can something like the universe that has no will and no power bring about your conscience? Think about it. You are just ascribing God’s attributes to other entities.

                Oh, you most certainly can. Suggest to a person that you’d like to go kill a puppy. You will find yourself face to face with the effects of their conscience.

                I would get different reactions from different people. Some may enjoy the thought of that while most will despise that. Conscience cannot define morality and ethics.

                You can’t measure gravity under a microscope, either, or love. Yet we know these exist. I could turn this back on you - you can’t measure God under a microscope.

                Exactly why I’m saying that science can’t explain everything. There is more to life than the material world. This is precisely why you should look more into philosophy and religion. If you did your due diligence like I did, you would find Islam to be the truth.

                I’m also left wondering where you’re going with this, since you leave no conclusion after suggesting that the conscience is a slippery concept. Are you, then, going to suggest that the conscience doesn’t exist, after earlier suggesting that the conscience is a gift from God himself? Why, it’s hard to even pin down what your argument is, since you change it moment to moment, based on what supports your continued simping for your Sky Fairy who hates gays.

                All this questioning is to get you to think about your beliefs. I have my foundation based on sound evidence and rational inference via Islam. You have nothing. No foundation. All arbitrary. Putting science as your god isn’t helping you because it is constantly changing and at the end of the day, it is science that is research done by scientists that are human at the end of the day. Bound to make mistakes and constantly making contradictory conclusions. Would you rather follow man-made assumptions or God-given revelation?

                Also have some decency. I never insulted you and if I did, I apologized for it. Your insults aren’t going to help me be more convinced by your arguments. Insulting only shows your you have no substance so you resort to adhominems. Unless you don’t care about that, in which case the only bigot here is you.

                • irmoz
                  11 months ago

                  Also all of them seem to base their research on the assumption of darwinian evolution which isn’t proven scientifically either.

                  Evolution hasn’t been proven scientifically?

                  • TraditionalMuslim
                    11 months ago

                    Yes it has not. It’s just a theory. There are a lot of scientific theories but that doesn’t mean they are proven. That’s why it’s a theory.