• i_r_n00b
    9 months ago

    There’s a big difference here in “can’t” and “won’t”. Are you so sure you “can’t” accept support because you “can’t” have a different perspective, or have you really made an effort to change the only part of this equation you truly have control over, yourself. I don’t know you, but reading your replies really makes me feel that you have simply made up your mind in such a way that you “won’t” accept help or support. This will only lead you to the same unhappy outcomes you’ve apparently been experiencing in your life.

    One thing you’ll find as you get older is that it’s actually never too late to make meaningful changes in your life and if you realize this and actively work to build your social community outside of the Internet, then you’re actually starting from a much better place than most people in this world. Move somewhere new, change your routine, focus on yourself physically and mentally to be the best person you can be. You are the apex of human evolution, all you have to do is find the things that you’re good at and the things that give you joy and enjoy what little time we have on this earth.

    I truly hope you find happiness one day