oce 🐆

I try to contribute to things getting better, sometimes through polite rational skepticism.
Disagreeing with your comment ≠ supporting the opposite side, I support rationality.
Let’s discuss to refine the arguments that make things better sustainably.
Always happy to question our beliefs.

  • 18 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • In this case, it was probably the teacher not being knowledgeable enough to explain a more advance theory that goes beyond the simple model he was teaching. What’s sad is that the teacher didn’t take the opportunity to dig deeper with the student, it could have been very motivating for the student to feel like he found something that went beyond the normal curriculum.

  • Promontory reminds me that as a French, when speaking English, I sometimes use literary French terms with an English accent as an elite facade for amusement because I sense that it probably exists in literary English (afaik literary words are more likely to be similar than common ones, dating from when they learned what cuisine is). It works better when nobody’s a native Anglophone in the chamber so people just think they don’t know this chic word when I’m just mistaken. Although, there is a risqué risk of false friend that may turn it into a ridicule faux-pas by ricochet.