• 21 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • As a socially anxious loner, I didn’t go to prom. Didn’t end up feeling much like I was missing out either. I had been to a few school dances in the past and they always made me very uncomfortable and I didn’t find them fun. I didn’t like how much of a big deal they were made out to be. The one time I had fun around a school dance was when I was hanging out with some people either beforehand or afterwards (can’t remember which) and that part of it was fun. The dance itself wasn’t.

  • Yeah “wefwef” was unique and easily searchable. “Voyager”, not so much. Using a common word for an app is not really a great move if you want users to easily find your product. Still, I love the app and what the dev has done! Unfortunately though since I got a new phone since wefwef’s inception, I no longer have the original pwa or logo on my phone!

    My PWA version was broken with the way the back button worked anyway though so I suppose it’s for the best. I use the APK version now.

  • Jerboa went though a period time relatively early on in it’s development when it was a buggy, nearly unusable mess. It started out cool, then it shit the bed, and now I guess it’s cool again lol.

    Unfortunately I didn’t wait for it to get good again at the time and I ended up switching to wefwef, which has now been renamed Voyager. Voyager never really went though a buggy period on my end as an Android user.

  • To be clear, I don’t actually refer to it as a “pullover hoodie”. I just said that for clarification.

    For me,

    A hooded sweatshirt without a zipper = hoodie. In my experience, these are often (but not always) more looser fitting.

    A hooded article of clothing with a zipper = jacket. In my experience, these are often more form fitting.

  • Either that I only eat frozen meals and don’t cook. Or that I have never had any friends. Or that I’m a cis female but have a ton of excess hair in the wrong spots (esp on my chin and neck) I try to keep on top of. Or that I’ve never been in a relationship and I’m 30. So many things to choose from!

    My life is not so bad, though! The internet exists both for human connection and for entertainment. And I have a good job so I make enough to buy random crap.

  • Employee has had years to figure out how people communicate with them.

    Maybe your employee does have more difficulty understanding than the average person, but this is such a bullshit excuse.

    Everyone communicates differently. What is obvious to someone may not be obvious to others. Some people need a little more precision in the instructions you give to them. I don’t see why it would be unreasonable to provide that.

    I’m reminded of an interaction with my supervisor the other day…

    Me: Hello. This case has <issue>. Am I ok to proceed with <issue> or does it need to be corrected first?

    Supervisor: Have <Company name> figure it out.

    <Company name> has literally thousands of employees so I have no idea why she said it like that.

    Me: Uhh…do you want me to ask <Name of specific higher up person>?

    Supervisor: No, have them figure it out.

    Me: Who is them?

    Supervisor: <Lower level assistant>.

    For context, <Lower level assistant> usually asks us if they are ok to proceed, not the other way around.

    Me: I don’t think they will know the answer. Who should I have them ask?

    Supervisor: <Company name>

    Me: ???

    Supervisor: Have them ask <Name of a specific manager>

    Me: Ok.

    In this whole interaction, she was getting increasingly rude and irate with me for not being able to read her mind. If she would have just said she wanted <Name of a specific manager> to figure it out, she could have just told me to begin with instead of getting huffy and curt with me and unnecessarily prolonging the interaction.

    Here’s another example…

    Supervisor: Hey, do you want me to move X out of the way somewhere?

    Me: Nah, I don’t mind it being there!

    Supervisor: I don’t want X there.

    Me: <Supervisor>, I am not a mind reader. If you want something, you have to tell me.

    Sometimes what is obvious in your brain is not obvious to those around you.

  • Ok I’m glad I’m not the only one who is confused. Idk if I’m just stupid, but I read the OP three times and cannot for the life of me understand what was supposed to happen with the emails and products. Can someone explain it to me?

    Edit: Ok, I get it now after taking a few minutes, but the instructions are still vague. “This” is not a specific indication. Sounds like the employee sent both the product and the email just to be safe because the instruction was ambiguous. It sounds like the employee was uncertain what was meant, but for whatever reason didn’t ask for clarification.

    So why didn’t they ask? Does this employee get pushback for asking for clarification? Were they being lazy? Are they an anxious person? There are many possibilities here.

  • Wait what? Are you saying that you still don’t leave your home even though it’s 2024?

    I mean, props to you I guess. I just don’t see how it makes sense to do so indefinitely unless you are seriously immunocompromised like if you’re undergoing cancer treatments or have AIDS.

    Don’t get me wrong, I utilize and love delivery services. But it’s because I’m lazy and don’t mind paying for the convenience lol.

    To be clear, I’m also not an anti vaxxer, anti masker, or lockdown denier. I have advocated for all of these things at one point or another. But I’m also able to recognize the evolving nature of a global pandemic. Your risk of severe illness or death when leaving your house now is basically back to pre pandemic levels.