YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]

  • 38 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • seems like it’s particular to the person and their hair/skin but what I’ve gathered is that you take the machine and a tweezers, insert a fresh needle into the holder. lightly insert the needle at the root of the hair, parallel to the direction the hair is coming out. you basically just let it slide in until it reaches the root of the follicle, where it will meet some resistance. Then you trigger the pulse with the foot switch, and see if the hair will come out with the tweezers. if the follicle is properly destroyed, it should slide out with basically no resistance. if it does not come right out you can increase the power and try again, dont pluck it ofc.

    Doing it to yourself is gonna be pretty damn challenging or impossible on many parts of the body but you could maybe find a partner willing to help. Seems like there are training videos online that might help learn proper technique as well but I cant vouch for any specific ones

  • What kind of tech, if you don’t mind sharing? a rough list of technologies and tools you’re familiar with or specialize in might help narrow things down a bit (or if you’d rather get out of tech, understandable.)

    I only know like one person IRL who’s been forced back to the office, but I suppose my circle is small. remote work is still out there but the demand is high

    edit: I know someone not-super-technical who’s gotten into the salesforce niche and always seems to be in demand lately