At the stroke of midnight, recreational marijuana became legal in Ohio.

Voters approved last month that adults 21 and older are allowed to use and grow cannabis.

However, Ohio Republicans may be putting the brakes on it.

On Monday, Ohio Senate Republicans proposed banning at-home growing, increasing the substance’s tax rate, and altering how those taxes get distributed.

The ballot measure, dubbed Issue 2, passed on the Nov. 7 election with 57% of the vote - but since it is a citizen’s vote, the legislature is allowed to make tweaks to the law.

    7 months ago

    What you need to do is, get the fuck out of backwards ass Ohio! Just fuckin leave! That state is beyond fixing at this point.

      7 months ago

      Ohio is actually, despite a lot of prejudices (albeit justified in many instances), a very open and happy place for all folks. The Republican Party took major points, especially with Covid. I’ve seen a jump in anger and even hate to everything that is not “my thing and my right”, basically the last big guy’s thinking.

      The young folks in Ohio and really not liking what they are seeing and they are the next generation of leaders.

      The biggest problem is democrats and their in ability to do anything useful aside form condemning the shit others do. The party of do nothing fast

      “The Corporations as People Act/Ruling” what I like to call the beginning of the end of America, is THE single most dangerous thing ever in America’s, and let’s be real, the worlds existence.

      • btw, corpos don’t get forced to suck dick in prison or other movie stuff like you peasants
      7 months ago

      Ohio isn’t backwards. The fact that both issues 1 & 2 passed by such (relatively) large margins is evidence of this.

      Thanks to gerrymandering, our leadership IS regressive and backwards thinking. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to jump ship instead of staying and fighting.

      There’s a very progressive population of new or about to be new voters living in those gerrymandered districts who can absolutely help turn the tide. Then there’s all the Gen X folks like me who were too apathetic or cynical to vote (especially in midterms and local elections) who are suddenly witnessing how important their participation is.

      I’m not a religious man at all, but I have faith in this state and the people who live here.

      7 months ago

      Many people don’t have the luxury of leaving their support network behind.

      Alternatively, I live in Texas and I’m not going be chased out of my home by bigots. I’ll do my part in cancelling out the vote of some racist lunatic. If we all leave it just empowers the people who want us gone anyway.