• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • My inner voice is my voice as I hear it, and is more obviously there when I’m contemplative or reflective on ideas and concepts, but it doesn’t seem to actively dictate or narrate most of my actions as I go through the day, except perhaps in anxiety or adrenaline peaking situations. It does seem more likely to flip to the forefront when there’s an ‘emergency’ sort of moment to help stay calm and rational where others may panic. I do have some ‘imagery’ thoughts but only when I’m on more of an autopilot with an activity.

    Interestingly, I can have very vivid and detailed dreams filled with unique imagery and events that can seem very real and my inner voice kicks on sometimes during dreams, and I recognize it as a dream. I have at times been able to influence the direction of a dream that my subconscious usually seems to be running. These dreams can be expansive, I’m talking deep backstory, knowing things and languages I do not know, knowing details about history or science or math that I do not know, and having a strange hyper awareness of existence around me that I do not have when awake. The only really ‘scary’ dreams I’ve had since I was a kid are ones where I can’t find my kids, or where my dad is still alive and shows back up at home like he was just living somewhere else for a while (and it’s not so much scary as just hyper-confusing and stressful). The dad dreams are also some of the best dreams to have that inner voice of awareness happen.

  • Yeah, totally.

    Just imagine trying to do this with Windows Powershell, without a package manager like chocolatey to make it simple like linux…

    $workdir = "c:\installer\"
    If (Test-Path -Path $workdir -PathType Container)
    { Write-Host "$workdir already exists" -ForegroundColor Red}
    { New-Item -Path $workdir  -ItemType directory }
    $source = "https://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-latest&os=win64&lang=en-US"
    $destination = "$workdir\firefox.exe"
    if (Get-Command 'Invoke-Webrequest')
         Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $destination
        $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
        $webclient.DownloadFile($source, $destination)
    Start-Process -FilePath "$workdir\firefox.exe" -ArgumentList "/S"
    Start-Sleep -s 35
    rm -Force $workdir/firefox*

  • dezmd@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldPronouns
    13 days ago

    No, not cool. Languages do in fact change over time, regardless of what you or I may think, do or want.

    I never demanded others conform to what I want, I argued in favor of an idea that has evolved over time from my own personal growth and life experiences, and it’s a suggestion that is certainly open for discussion.

    This was shared as a thought out consideration meant to improve on existing language in several ways, including:

    1. as a compromise and simplified solution on pronoun gendering,
    2. more exactness when discussing single individuals or multiple individuals,
    3. and as a pronoun that is inclusive of everyone without having to talk down to people you disagree with.

    I don’t know if you just constantly see red when you go to reply on certain thread topics, but not everything is or needs to be a reactionary agitative internet fight. Have a nice day.

  • dezmd@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldPronouns
    14 days ago

    Yes and languages evolve. I also worry that your same sort of historial logic can be used in favor of preserving gendered language and traditional gender definitions that is contrary to the goals here.

    I’m arguing for a standard usage, he/her for everyone covers always having a singular standardized pronoun so that they/them can be used as plural pronouns without the potential confusion that you may be talking about more than one person in the same literal contextual frame of a discussion. Preciseness of language improves the quality of communication.

    Even in that example, and perhaps the modern English translation is just incorrect in its wording, “Each man hurried… til they drew near” is still a plural representative form of usage, as ‘each man’ is an implied amount of more than a singular man.

    To say “Each man hurried… til he drew near… where William and his darling were lying together” creates a confusion of singular subject and does not work since ‘each man’ and ‘they’ represents more than a single self identifying entity.