I’m a moderator of a smaller community. I’m posting quality content multiple times a day, and I posted about it in New Communities. The number of subscribers is low but it’s growing steadily.

Could you please give me some advice on growing this community? I don’t want to spam/flood or come off as rude or weird, but I really believe in it and think it would be useful to many people.

  • Thank you! I’m glad you like my posts! I’ve definitely noticed most AI groups/subreddits being bad… The hype is at fever pitch nowadays so I guess that’s why they are full of low-quality filler content.

    I subbed to both of those magazines, but for some reason Lemmy federation with kbin is super slow, so it will take a while for me to be able to post in them.

    I actually had a super interesting article about the “hidden vocabulary” of image generation models in my notes that I wanted to post, so I went on and posted it now. It isn’t about Stable Diffusion but it might still be interesting to people in that group. Thanks again!