• You think Israel should continue to allow Gazans to cross the border and work in Israel after war has been declared?

    Yes. Israel is wrong to commit ethnic cleansing and all the other crimes in Gaza.

    • S_204@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      This ethnic cleansing lie is so obviously and clearly debunked. It’s shocking that people are so stupid enough to repeat it .

      There are millions of Arabs living peacefully within Israel’s borders. Gaza itself has one of the highest birth rates in the world and has a growing population.

      Those are facts. Those facts quite clearly prove claims of genocide to be completely fabricated. No ethnic group of people are being wiped out.

      One of these two groups is calling for the extermination of the other group. That is Hamas.

        • S_204@lemmy.world
          9 months ago

          How’s it debunked? By reality! A genocide needs more people to die than to be born, which obviously isn’t happening. Even on the cultural front, there’s no removal from society happening.

          Now you’ve got Hamas indiscriminately bombing Jerusalem, including Holy Arab religious sites, with the iron dome protecting those. Israel yet again proving it cares more about Arab lives and culture than Hamas does.

            • S_204@lemmy.world
              9 months ago

              You realize Jews still haven’t recovered from the Holocaust in terms of population?

              That’s what a genocide looks like, if Jews had grown their population in the 40s, you’d possibly have an argument but really you should delete your stupid comment.

                • S_204@lemmy.world
                  9 months ago

                  I realize that the surrounding nations made the decision to invade Israel as soon as they became a country and they’ve been suffering from that choice ever since.

                  I realize that there is no concerted effort to kill Arabs, no one’s getting sent to gas chambers or used for medical experiments. Comparing this to the Holocaust demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding of that historic event.

                  To claim Palestinians haven’t recovered from Israel when Israel has been the victim of at least a half dozen military attacks by it’s neighbors, again just shows you don’t understand the dynamics of the region and you’re really coming across as one of those people who just learned where these places are on social media.

                  After 75 years of being attacked, Israel is going to exterminate the threat. Just like any country would do.