• irmoz
    1 year ago

    You just said mental maturity happens around the age of puberty but can also be later depending on the person.

    No, actually i said it typically happens about a decade after the end of childhood. This is known as adolescence, the transition between childhood and adulthood, often lining up with the middle of puberty and beyond into the 20s.

    If you define it as someone’s mental maturity, how can this be measured?

    You’re once again assuming and then not bothering to research. Brain scans have been done measuring the development of the human brain. The process is typically complete in the late 20s.

    • TraditionalMuslim
      1 year ago

      So you’re saying everyone should do a brain scan to know if they are an adult yet or not? If maturity is such a wide range that falls within your definiton then why say that 12 year old is still a child? It depends person to person.

      • irmoz
        1 year ago

        so you’re saying everyone should do a brain scan to know if they are an adult yet or not?

        Of course not! Why do you think these tests were run in the first place? To determine the typical human development. And typical human development has you start puberty around the age of 11, end childhood and begin adolescence around 16-18, and reach full mental development around 28.

        Your logic sounds like the logic of someone who really, really wants to justify fucking children.

        • TraditionalMuslim
          1 year ago

          “typical human development has you start puberty around the age of 11, end childhood and begin adolescence”

          So from your own quote you acknowledge childhood ends at adolescence which is when puberty starts. That is exactly what I have been saying from the beginning.

          If you are using mental development as the age of consent then that should mean that everyone who is below the age of 28 is a child.

          What are you trying to say? Are you saying a child is someone below the age of puberty or the age of mental development?