• TraditionalMuslim
    1 year ago

    You’re not understanding are you? I’m not sure you even read my reply because I said that “adult” is different for every culture. And I’m using western standards to prove a point here. Based on western standards, anything below 18 is considered a minor so I brought the example of pedophilia to show the hypocracy of the west that they are willing to accept LGBT folk that advocate for pedophilia, while at the same time condemning pedophilia.

    • irmoz
      1 year ago

      adult" is different for every culture.

      Right. So a 12 year old is an adult to you. How convenient. So you would fuck a 12 year old?

      the hypocracy of the west that they are willing to accept LGBT folk that advocate for pedophilia, while at the same time condemning pedophilia.

      This is a lie. LGBT do not advocate for paedophilia.

      • TraditionalMuslim
        1 year ago

        Right. So a 12 year old is an adult to you. How convenient. So you would fuck a 12 year old?

        I’m not sure why you keep assuming that. If puberty is at 15, they are an adult, if puberty is at 17 they are an adult, if puberty is at 12 or 11 then yes they are an adult. But I’m not fixated on any number here. Also you have to keep in mind that you can’t just meet a girl, go on dates, and have sex with her. Islam only allows intimacy through marriage. So all premarital and extramarital relationships are forbidden. And for the marriage to happen it requires the consent of the guardian of the girl who is usually her father.

        This is a lie. LGBT do not advocate for paedophilia.

        They are inching towards this. Like I mentioned before, we have a new category for pedophiles now called MAPs. Minor-Attracted-Person. This naming convention is being used to try and normalize pedophilia and they are rallying behind the LGBT movement under guise of sexual freedom which the LGBT heavily promotes.

        • irmoz
          1 year ago

          Right, so as long as you marry a child that’s bleeding, it’s okay to be a paedophile.

          The only people using the term MAP or advocating for them are paedophiles themselves. They are trying to get themselves included in the LGBT, and the LGBT ARE NOT HAVING IT.

          There is no “inching”. You are making this up.

          • TraditionalMuslim
            1 year ago

            Right, so as long as you marry a child that’s bleeding, it’s okay to be a paedophile.

            What do you even define as child? If you know everyone has a different definition then why insist on claiming I’m ok with pedophilia? Actual pedophiles don’t care about that. They will go as down as babies and toddlers.

            The only people using the term MAP or advocating for them are paedophiles themselves. They are trying to get themselves included in the LGBT, and the LGBT ARE NOT HAVING IT. There is no “inching”. You are making this up.

            For now, it will happen sooner or later. At least that’s my prediction.

            • irmoz
              1 year ago

              What do you even define as child?

              A question only asked by paedophiles.

              For now, it will happen sooner or later. At least that’s my prediction.

              Based on what evidence? You just moved the goalposts. So, you agree the LGBT do not accept them, and yet assume they will based on nothing.

              • TraditionalMuslim
                1 year ago

                A question only asked by paedophiles.

                If you can’t even define what a child is, then that only helps pedophiles get away with the sick acts they commit. If you can’t even set boundaries or limits then you are part of the problem.

                Based on what evidence? You just moved the goalposts. So, you agree the LGBT do not accept them, and yet assume they will based on nothing.

                This is based on the history of acceptance. First it was homosexuals, then bisexuals, then trans, then queer, two-spirited, whatever random labels these people come up with. You can identify as a unicorn and still be accepted. This is why I say this is the next step. And MAPs is that stepping stone.

                • irmoz
                  1 year ago

                  If you can’t even define what a child is, then that only helps pedophiles get away with the sick acts they commit.

                  False concern virtue signalling. A child is one still in their psychologically immature stage, understood to end sometime in puberty. Even then, though, development is not complete until a decade after.

                  Stop pretending to not know this.

                  This is based on the history of acceptance. First it was homosexuals, then bisexuals, then trans, then queer, two-spirited, whatever random labels these people come up with.

                  You’re showing your ignorance of queer history, here. What you’re describing is how slowly wider societu began to acceot the LGBT, now how the LGBT initially formed. It has always been mostly accepting of the whole group.

                  Also, you have yet to prove that paedophilia is a logical “next step”.

                  You can identify as a unicorn and still be accepted.

                  Ben Shapiro may claim this, but that is not true.

                  This is why I say this is the next step. And MAPs is that stepping stone.

                  Saying it over and over again doesn’t make it true. :) You have yet to prove this.

                  • TraditionalMuslim
                    1 year ago

                    So you agree that an adult is around the age of puberty? Why lie and say I endorse pedophilia? Classic hypocracy.

                    I think the only one showing ignorance of queer history here is you. In fact, trans people have not always been a part of LGBT. Read this article by a trans supporting organization. Clearly mentions trans, queer, and others have not always been a part of LGBT. In fact, there is still transphobia among LGB folk.

                    “At different points and in different places, the acronym has been expanded to include a range of other experiences, including Queer, Asexual, Pansexual, and more.”

                    “There are different reasons why some cis people, including some who are gay, lesbian or bisexual, might not feel ready or able to support trans people, we have found though that all of these reasons stem from ignorance that has sadly led to bigotry and transphobia.”

                    “This history is barely behind us, indeed many countries still criminalise LGB people or treat them like second-class citizens. These same tactics are being used against trans people, sometimes by LGB people who had this bigotry aimed at them in living memory.
