What I think could make Lemmy superior to Reddit is the ability to create themed-instances that are all linked together which feels like the entire point. I’ve noticed that a lot of instances are trying to be a catch-all Reddit replacement by imitating specific subs which is understandable given the circumstances but seems like it’s not taking advantage of the full power that Lemmy could have.

Imagine for a moment that instances were more focus-based. Instead of having communities that are all mostly unrelated we had entire instances that are focused on one specific area of expertise or interest. Imagine a LOTR instance that had many sub-communities (in this case “communities” would be the wrong way to look at it, it would be more like categories) that dealt with different subjects in the LOTR universe: books, movies, lore, gaming, art, etc all in the same instance.

Imagine the types of instances that could be created with more granular categories within to better guide conversations: Baseball, Cars, Comics, Movies, Tech etc.

A tech instance could have dedicated communities for news, programming, dev, IT, Microsoft, Apple, iOS, linux. Or you could make it even more granular by having a dedicated instance for each of those because there’s so many categories that could be applied to each.

What are your thoughts?

  • Carchi@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    I guess it’s the point of the fediverse as far as I understand. Kind of like being members of a bunch of old school forums. Unfortunately for me it’s not really what I’m looking for, and I like the unified aspect of reddit.

    • dystop@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      unified is nice, but if i’ve learnt anything over the past 9-10 years as a redditor, it means you’re at the mercy of admins and power mods. And because it’s become the go-to forum, it’s gotten so much attention from stealth marketers and bots (it’s hard not to unsee such posts once you learn to identify them), and karma whores trying to get the first witty remark in so it’ll get boosted up into the first top-level comment.

      I kinda like the idea of a fediverse - it’s like a bunch of forums, but connected in a way that makes it so much easier to browse and read all of them, and doesn’t have the “centralisation of power” problem reddit has.

    • LoreleiSankTheShip@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      There’s nothing stopping you as a user from subbing to different communities on all of those instances to get a feed exactly how you like it.

      The only difference would be that mods would belong to an instance themed around their interest with a like-minded admin for it. Also, you could pick more niche topics than you can now. Let’s say I’m into tech, but I don’t care about AI. I could go to the Tech themed instance, pick the news and linux communities from there, sub to those and get them in my feed while ignoring the ai related communities.

    • nik282000@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      Unified is bad, always. If you need examples look at Windows, Android, iOS, Facebook, Amazon. Having a large selection roughly equal options promotes improvement AND cooperation. For example the Linux ecosystem is made up of hundreds of distributions that make a number of major choices about their systems but still allow the user to run the same software.

      • Landrin201@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        I disagree with the example of operating systems, unfortunately. Linux in my experience is just a worse user experience than either Windows or Mac OS. I know that probably won’t be a popular opinion around here, but I think that most users would agree as well. I’ve never used a linux OS that was intended for daily use that felt anywhere near as intuitive and easy to understand as Windows or Mac os.

        I agree with you in general, but I think that what naturally tends to happen in markets is that one product gets improved to the point of being “the best” among its competitors and starts to really pull away, and once people are in they are in- most people don’t want to switch from the OS they have, to use your example, to another one unless their current OS is REALLY not doing something they need to be able to do to the point where switching would be easier.

        A lot of platforms don’t start out intending to completely, 100% outcompete everyone else in their marketspace- I actually think Amazon is a great example of that. But once they start to take over, they don’t stop because the economic system we have makes it both very difficult to do so and also very lucrative to keep it going

        And in some things, unity is kind of a good thing. I think Lemmy (and the rest of the fediverse for that matter) needs to figure out a way to centralize user logins- the fact that your instance could get taken down by its creators and lose your account altogether isn’t a great one. Yes, that’s a risk with a site like Reddit too, but it’s significantly less likely over there.

        • treverflume@lemmy.ml
          1 year ago

          Maybe now but before it was big it definitely wasn’t. They had few employees and I’m sure the security wasn’t always as good as it is now there.

          Decentralization is a key foundation of Bitcoin and other encryption things as I’m sure you know. What Lemmy needs is some basic infographics that explains everything visually. It’d be much easier to show or post an image then text about all this stuff.