• goferking0@lemmy.sdf.orgOP
    1 month ago

    Biden’s order will temporarily shut down the US-Mexico border to asylum seekers attempting to enter the country legally when authorities have determined that the border is “overwhelmed”.

    It only blocks asylum seekers.

    It’s also how trump did his Muslim ban which was already ruled illegal. So why is Biden doing it except to screw over those seeking asylum?

    • disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Asylum seekers are categorized with migrants at the border. They only differ in desire to get a job once they enter. They’re given one year of amnesty to determine if they want to naturalize or move to another nation. They’re offered free housing in sanctuary cities. The cities are now full from lack of state funding and no Federal support. Congress failed to pass reform that could support these cities or mandate acceptance in other cities. There’s nothing left to do but choose from the three options I mentioned above.

      Immigrants are people who enter the nation with intent to naturalize. They have more Federal rights than migrants, but a more complex legal journey ahead.

      The Muslim ban was discriminatory trash, and nothing like this. It outlawed any immigration (asylum seekers, refugees, migrants, or immigrants) for Muslims or “suspected Muslims.” It absolutely was illegal, and despicable to boot.

    • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      So why is Biden doing it except to screw over those seeking asylum?

      Real answers?

      Biden stopped growing in his understanding of politics in 1992. He thinks he can get voters this way.