For Ferguson, the Fusion stems from the idea of expanding the use case of a phone beyond what it is already good at. The initiative is to go beyond things like changing case colours and materials. “If you’re a gamer and normally you’re locked into your home because you need your big screen, cameras, and boom mic, what if you were to build an outfit that had a portable boom mic built-in and you could put the controllers on the side? It’s really only limited by your imagination,” Ferguson reasons.

“For example, if you’re working in the medical space and have an app that allows you to conduct blood testing, then you need some way of physically conducting the test. So you build yourself an outfit that then lets you take blood and look for diabetes.”

The HMD Fusion shares similarities with the Raspberry Pi, which is a small, single-board computer that has become a go-to tool for building exciting projects. Ferguson wants everyone (and not only developers) to contribute and build outfits for the Fusion device. He hopes the Fusion will capture the imagination of hobbyists, educators, and professionals, opening up a realm of endless possibilities.