• CO_Chewie@sh.itjust.works
    6 months ago

    Given this is the top comment it should be pointed out that while Proton was incorrect about this being Meta there is research out about TikTok doing this very thing.

    The way you’ve worded your comment makes it seem like this either can’t happen or isn’t happening and that simply isn’t the case.

    • TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
      6 months ago

      I personally do not think I should care about the xenophobic witch hunting of Chinese companies like TikTok and Huawei, even though US feds have never presented any evidence against Huawei, and we know how fair the Congressional hearings were for TikTok.

      While TikTok collects basic data, it never forces you to login other than for commenting (for obvious reasons) and similarly personal things, unlike Instagram. If you open an IG link in web browser, you cannot replay the video second time, and if you scroll the account’s posted images and videos, you will not be able to flick through a second time. And it is fair enough to see Western governments’ beloved support for the genocide of Palestinians (unlike the fake Uyghur narrative) and the ousting of Muslims from top positions across all of Western media, there exist open and transparent political and critical reasons to avoid Western media over non-Western media.

      TikTok’s data collection is transparently compared to other social media outlets here (not going to trust fancy tech outlets or CNN/Fox). Tiktok is not even in the ballpark, simply by not needing an account or app to use it.



      Edit: Edit: fuck you GrapheneOS, for almost 2 months now, they are mass downvoting my comments, and doing voting manipulation, also abusing federation

      • KairuByte@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        6 months ago

        All this to say you’re fine with TikTok grabbing your passwords? Because you don’t want to be xenophobic? Weird line but you do you.

        • TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
          6 months ago

          Can you tell me how TikTok is grabbing your passwords without an account, and outside of their app or website? I need an account for Facebook/Instagram, not TikTok.

          Do you understand the difference between needing an account versus not needing one for a service? It is wider than the Grand Canyon. That is why I provided those links, and that is why it is critical to note the lack of personal identifier data grabbing with not needing an account. With one, you give phone number, contact book, IMEI, location data, email, some name or pseudonym et al. With the other, none.

          Edit: since you have poked the bear, I will growl.

          Facebook/Instagram data collection on a user is more than a TikTok user, even if there is an account on both services. On top of this, TikTok does not have tracking pixels, ad networks, CDN and other methods of tracking on other websites, unlike Facebook ecosystem. This allows Facebook ecosystem to correlate, interlink and form data clusters on users and IP addresses. Remember how Facebook ecosystem disallows accountless access? Or how they C&D’d Barinsta developer Austin Huang, citing they dislike anonymous access to Instagram?

          This is precisely what makes TikTok objectively so harmless without an account, and even with an account, relatively far less harmful. It does not mean TikTok does not collect data, but the difference is too wide. These are the facts.

          And your petty downvote makes it seem like this is too much to swallow.

          • zingo@lemmy.ca
            6 months ago

            Tiktok is Chinese spyware.

            Facebook is American spyware.

            Stop using them!

            End of story.

          • KairuByte@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            6 months ago

            This has nothing to do with being logged into TikTok. This is a link within the TikTok app keylogging credentials as they are entered.

            And for the record, “logged in” isn’t the same as “identified”. Browser and device fingerprinting is very much a thing, and is quite scary in how well it works.

            If you don’t think TikTok has CDNs (or that CDNs are used primarily for tracking?), it makes it clear you don’t actually know what you’re talking about.

            It’s clear you either don’t know, or are being disingenuous about, the dangers of a bad actor in current technology. Especially when most of your argument is “you don’t even need to log in, it’s just so safe!”

            • TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
              6 months ago

              You use the word “disingenuous”, while not realising your own argument is just that, fully ignoring what I said about TikTok not needing its own app to browse, besides not requiring an account either.

              Fingerprinting of browser is far, FAR, FAR more vague than someone installing an app, giving all invasive permissions, giving out phone number, email, name, IMEI, location data and a bunch of other identifiers.

              You are dying on the wrong hill, even if you win this little popularity voting contest, because you are objectively incorrect.

              • KairuByte@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                6 months ago

                “You don’t have to use the app, so it’s not bad that they can key log your info when using it.”

                Come the fuck on, there’s no way you’re a real person.

                • TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
                  6 months ago

                  You cannot tell me that

                  A) one service needs you to use the app and keylogs you, and you cannot easily avoid it even on other websites

                  B) one service that does not need you to use the app, only keylogs on the app, and does not employ this crap via other websites

                  in the above cases, A and B scenarios are same. No, they are not. Yes, keylogging is bad. But, one of them allows you to avoid it. And you are fucked with the service in scenario A if you must need it.

                  • KairuByte@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                    6 months ago

                    You’re still not understanding what is being talked about.

                    Here is the situation being talked about:

                    • You open TikTok on your phone
                    • There is a link to a site within the app
                    • You open the site, it opens inside the TikTok app
                    • You put information into the site
                    • TikTok now has that information

                    At no point is anyone claiming it’s unavoidable, or spread on countless websites. It’s the app that’s the issue, it’s the app that doing the keylogging.

        • TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
          6 months ago

          TIL facts are copium. And I do not even use TikTok. I just care about facts instead of letting Western xenophobes lie with a straight smiley face.

        • Omega_Haxors@lemmy.ml
          6 months ago

          No, they’re right. They dropped all the bullshit charges the instant they were given control over DikDok’s servers. It was little more than a power play and because americans are so fucking racist that they don’t even realize how racist they are, they all bought it hook/line/sinker.