• 284 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2020


  • I did not start with KDE or Cinnamon. Start menu paradigm is unneeded when people will discover GNOME is giving the peak experience upon hitting Super/Windows key, when they can just search anything on the system or multitask that way.

    I do not miss the Start menu much, even though I use both Debian and Windows 10. Most of the time, I am using Everything/FSearch to find files.

    Also, the priority is stability and not needing to continously look up Terminal commands or ask the toxic community for help or minimise internet searches for help. GNOME is the absolute uncontested king DE to get the job done with least amount of it getting in the way.

  • Proton is not for activism. Treat it as bad as Gmail or outlook for that. Moon Of Alabama blog has lots of criticisms. If you want to be anal about using email for activism and whistleblowing, use a serious provider like Riseup or Disroot. All these Protons and Tutanotas are useless. They are only better than Gmail and Outlook.

    There are some idiots that spread nonsense about me that I am paranoid or whatever. Yes I am proud of it, because they are the incompetent ones. Big Tech “security” shills and a lot of kiddies without experience do this.

    Edit: I will take the liberty of recommending digdeeper’s blog for email providers.