NBC News reports a familiar pattern to the latest round of threats – when Trump has a legal setback, officials face threats.

  • Blackbeard@lemmy.worldM
    7 months ago

    blatant election-fraud type behavior that they’ve done

    Or, translated into fascist-speak, if we constantly accuse you of shit we can never prove, even in a court of law.

    pretty soon you’re not going to be able to resolve your differences through the ballot box

    We DID that, you chucklefuck. Your mob of troglodytes stormed the goddamned Capitol to interfere with that process, too. So maybe sit this one out?

    we don’t want that, no one wants a civil war.

    Oh Dave. Have you seen the people who come to these rallies? Or protest at local school board meetings? Have you heard what they say in online discussion forums? Have you seen the transcripts of their conversations leading up to the insurrection? Your supporters are practically salivating over the prospect.

    but there’s only so much you can do if those who are in power, keep undermining free and fair elections.

    Which is exactly why SCOTUS is now involved. Because a mob of Republicans undermined a free and fair election. The lack of self-awareness in these dolts is absolutely astounding.

    • aberrate_junior_beatnik@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Your supporters are practically salivating over the prospect [of a civil war].

      I think there’s a lot of talk, but not a lot of will. To be clear, I think there’s still a real threat, but it’s probably more in escalating stochastic terrorism rather than a full-out armed conflict.

      • NounsAndWords@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        I think we are equally close to actual civil war as we are to actually eating the rich. Lots of talk, lots of wanting someone else to do it.