Even Google has had enough of this shit.

  • PeepinGoodArgs
    2 months ago

    If Palestine were using Google Cloud for AI applications like identifying and murdering Israelis, then Pichai would also be justified in telling staffers to sit down, stfu, and get back to work?

    I just want to make sure we’re not engaged in identity politics here.

    • BearOfaTime@lemm.ee
      2 months ago


      As someone who’s worked in the corporate world for 30+ years, politics is not tolerated.

      If you’re an employee who regularly talks politics, you’ll find yourself not invited to projects, and slowly pushed to the side, as your peer reviews will show communication issues.

      If you’re a contractor, you won’t be renewed at contract time.

      I’ve seen both of these happen many times.

      The workplace is for work, for getting things done. Frankly, most of us don’t have time for this idle chit-chat bs, we’re too busy trying to complete the endless stream of work that needs doing. And what room I have for chat, the last thing I want to talk about is politics - it’s always divisive, and teams need the opposite if that - to build better relationships.

      Today I’ll actually leave a room if anyone talks politics. I want no part of that nonsense.

      Here’s the heart of the issue: If you lack the sense to know when and where to discuss something like this, what other social skill/communication issues do you have? You’re clearly not someone to be trusted.

      You’re a risk. No one wants a risk on their team.

      • Neuromancer@lemm.eeOPM
        2 months ago

        politics is not tolerated.

        In a well run company it isn’t. The ceo I work for doesn’t talk politics. Everyone assumes he’s a democrat but I would libertarian based on a few slips.

        For the most part he avoids politics. Either way you are making half the people mad and potential alienating half your customers.

        • BearOfaTime@lemm.ee
          2 months ago


          Poor leadership permits political talk. Or any talk that is divisive or off-topic.

          Talking about your weekend escapades is also frowned upon, for the same reasons - they’re both juvenile, ego-centric, and off topic.

          No professional wants to hear about how drunk you got and who you screwed.

          This is like business 101 stuff.

          • PeepinGoodArgs
            2 months ago

            Trigger Warning: Communism

            See, this whole conversation is why Marx’s theory of alienation is a thing. It assumes that the employees are at work purely for the sake of working, as if employees consent to how other’s use the product of their work by virtue of their employment. But the relationship between what a worker does and what a company does with it is important. For those of that aren’t genocide supporters and can’t square the circle by abstracting our work from those that use it for murdering other people, talking about it challenges the underlying justification for permitting it in the first place. Like yeah, Google is invested in information technology and all that, but why does that necessarily mean they must have a relationship with Israel to more effectively target Palestinians using Google Cloud for artificial applications? Not being allowed to talk about that is quintessential alienation in the Marxian sense.

            • Neuromancer@lemm.eeOPM
              2 months ago

              Google is invested in information technology and all that, but why does that necessarily mean they must have a relationship with Israel to more effectively target Palestinians using Google Cloud for artificial applications?

              If you don’t like it leave. It’s that simple.

              In a Marxist country, you’d be put in prison for disagreeing. In a country like ours, you can go create your own company to compete with Google if you don’t like what they do

              • PeepinGoodArgs
                2 months ago

                Well, they did leave…by force. But that still leaves Google supplementing genocide and them out of job. Ideally, they’d still have a job, and Google would uphold the human right to life. But Pichai sidesteps that contention altogether by decree: “Don’t talk about it!”

                In a Marxist country, you’d be put in prison for disagreeing.

                In a capitalist country where life is cheap, you’ll lose your livelihood refusing to contribute to murder on an industrial scale. So, trade-offs, I guess.

                • Neuromancer@lemm.eeOPM
                  2 months ago

                  But that still leaves Google supplementing genocide and them out of job

                  America doesn’t see it as genocide. Neither does Google. Sometimes it’s a tough pill to swallow but not everyone agrees it’s a genocide. I don’t. The only people I see being genocide are the Jews which is why Gaza is being invaded.

                  Ideally they’d do their job. They’re not a charity. Pichai did the right thing. Their customer is buying their products. The employees can work or be fired. That’s their options.

                  • PeepinGoodArgs
                    2 months ago

                    Well, I guess it’s better that Google enable mass murder than employees oppose it, according to your logic.

                    What’s funny is that after the atrocities of WWII, there were all these books written about “How could they do that?!” Well, if they thought like you, it’s pretty clear: it was always warranted. The only thing that really mattered was whether people did their jobs.

            • Throwaway@lemm.eeM
              2 months ago

              I can get behind both ideas. I think it really depends on the culture, and team morale. Lets be real, sometimes you just want some water cooler talk instead of going to another meeting. And sometimes, that one guy talks so much, you hesitate inviting him to any meetings because you know he’ll make it twice as long as it should be. As goes the old saying goes, it’s all about balance.

              I’m of the mind that you can talk about minor things, like sports and the weather and whatnot, but if you start bragging about your teams latest win to your coworkers excessively, well, take it down a few notches. Don’t make others uncomfortable.

              And don’t talk politics. At best, you’ll make enemies of idiots, at worst, you’ll outed as the idiot.

              Or at least, that’s my two cents.

          • Neuromancer@lemm.eeOPM
            2 months ago

            This is why the younger generation struggles at work. They don’t get its work. It’s not play time while getting paid.