• crackajack
    1 year ago

    More economic ties with China does not necessarily mean these countries want to have friendlier cultural ties with China. ASEAN and India have territorial disputes, aside from ideological differences. The trade deals are just business, and therefore not reflective of what the countries really think of China whether they could be seen as ally, to be trusted, etc.

    The only developing nations I see who are in more warmer and friendlier terms with China are in Africa. But even many local Africans complain of how many Chinese firms does business (debt trap, not hiring locals, etc).

    • silent_water [she/her]@hexbear.net
      1 year ago

      economic ties matter because the US, the hegemon of the present economic order, is trying to cut China out of said economic ties. culture is a superstructure built on top of the material base. not to mention, worrying about how two countries on the other side of the world “feel” about each other is peak liberal cope.

      • crackajack
        1 year ago

        You’re not wrong about US wanting to remain hegemon, but no one from democratic countries would want to align to countries with you know… authoritarian. Surveys still show that much of the world still prefer the US as a superpower, despite many countries wanting to trade with China. Having trade relations does not mean the parties are friends. More often than not, countries are just business partners. That’s called realpolitik-- and a cynical one at that. Countries that are even allied still want something in return. A lot of white Western champagne socialists never bother to research, ask or get to know the actual opinions of those from countries who are being bullied by China in South China Sea from their exclusive economic zones. Japan, China, South Korea and ASEAN signed a trade union, but it doesn’t mean they will all relinquish their own territorial claims. For many white Western champagne socialists, the conditions of black and brown people they purport to try to alleviate from Western imperialism are tools for exploitation for their own ideological self-masturbatory, pat-on-the-back congratulations.

        Another factor why the US is still preferred than China as the global power is because US has better soft power, something that China could never amount to. The totalitarianism of China is something that many will not be impressed by. Not trying to make the US flawless, it’s clear they aren’t, it’s just that they’re lesser evil than China. Oh and before anyone says anything about US being worse than China and vice versa, I know they’re both bad; this isn’t evil Olympics. Many people surveyed thinks both countries are threat to world peace.

        • RedDawn [he/him]@hexbear.net
          1 year ago

          but no one from democratic countries would want to align to countries with you know… authoritarian.

          The US is way more authoritarian than China, probably the most authoritarian country in the world by any reasonable metric, so I don’t see your point.

          Not trying to make the US flawless, it’s clear they aren’t, it’s just that they’re lesser evil than China.

          A fundamentally ridiculous assertion, the US is many orders of magnitude more evil.

          • crackajack
            1 year ago

            Cope all you want, keep engaging in the echo chamber of self-fellating champagne socialist circles who take for granted the freedom of speech and rule of law while sitting in front computer at the comfort of one’s own house in a Western country, but the link I gave showcasing many developing nations think China and US are both threats is not going to change. White Western socialists never really do think what other countries think. They’re just as condescending and guilty of white man’s burden mentality as imperialistic white capitalists that brown and black people in developing countries can’t think for themselves. Both believe either Western-made ideologies of socialism and capitalism will save people of colour from their misery.

              • crackajack
                1 year ago

                Spoken like a pampered, jobless, welfare queen living in his mother’s basement.

                • RedDawn [he/him]@hexbear.net
                  1 year ago

                  Youve made not a single argument as to why or how China is a “greater evil” than the US, you deserve nothing but mockery in response to such a nonsensical assertion. And it’s telling that you have to reach for ridiculous claims about your interlocutors who you know nothing about instead of reaching for any actual argument, which is what you would do if you had one. On some level I think you actually know the US is worse or you would have attempted to argue the point instead of making stuff up about me.

                  • crackajack
                    1 year ago

                    Youve made not a single argument as to why or how China is a “greater evil”

                    And it’s telling that you have to reach for ridiculous claims about your interlocutors

                    Which one has concentration camps for Muslim minorities and bully their neighbours? Which one arrests and send their citizens to concentration camps for criticising their government?

                    Well, actually, I just realised you are a communist judging from your profile picture. Of course, you’re having cognitive dissonance right now. I always take pleasure when champagne white communists are speechless after being called out for their hypocrisy, and when they find out I’m a person of colour with lived experiences under authoritarian regimes, so they can’t retort with anything with slurs they normally reserve to their fellow whites. Speaking of which, I would dare you and see your true colours show.