CascadeOfLight [he/him]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 13th, 2023


  • I suppose I should say “radlib”, but as this post shows he’s clearly against an actual organized revolution.

    Pointing out the problems of the system is still well within the bounds of the leftward edge of liberalism, as long as the solution given shepherds people back into the fold of nonresistance. Electoralists who insist that Bernie or AOC or whoever could fix the problems of the US, if only they could get some kind of New Deal through that danged Congress, are playing the same game. As are environmentalists who cry about climate change but but don’t connect it to the fundamental mechanics of capitalism and never go beyond individual acts of defiance. And they don’t even have to be doing it cynically, they just have to be unable or unwilling to see beyond the limits of their current understanding, as imposed on them by the material conditions of their life. Such as, the life of a millionaire rockstar.

    Charitably, one could go so far as to call him a utopian socialist, but that still doesn’t mean anything if he doesn’t investigate any further into the real conditions of the world. All he can do is idly daydream and “imagine” a better world without suggesting any kind of next step or concrete plan to create a better world - indeed, the people who are actually trying to do something are the subject of ridicule. And more than that, someone can listen to Imagine, daydream about a better world, be satisfied with how good they are for wishing the world was a better place, and then go straight back out into capitalist society with an untroubled conscience. Like, Imagine came out 53 year ago, the official youtube upload from 2016 alone has 306 million views - how many of those people did it set off on the path of communist revolution?

    I don’t want this to feel like I’m bashing you for liking the song, if it’s meaningful to you then cool, it has a good sound and the lyrics do conjure an objectively good world, plus by being here you’re already reached a far more radical level than the vast majority of westerners. But it actually has no content beyond what can be recuperated into the system that created it, especially in the context of the rest of his work and his cultivated hippie persona.

  • CascadeOfLight [he/him]@hexbear.nettoCommunism@lemmy.mlabout china
    8 days ago

    Yes. China is controlled by the Communist Party of China, who maintain an unbreakable grip on the commanding heights of the economy - energy, utilities, infrastructure, steel, finance etc. State-owned enterprises are some of the largest companies in the country, and hence also some of the largest in the world.

    Foreign capitalists were invited to invest in China starting in the 80s, in order to bring in the technology and capital (tools, machines and money) that China was sorely lacking. This unfortunately led to several of the problems typical to capitalist economies - uneven development between the cities and countryside, increases in wealth inequality, the strengthening of the national capitalist class and the spread of liberal (pro-capitalist) ideas - but through the whole process, and unlike in the USSR, the CPC maintained total political control and didn’t allow the capitalists to dictate policy.

    It’s true that China appeared to go quite far in a liberal direction, including by joining the WTO; around the turn of the millennium, the US and the rest of the capitalist world assumed that China would soon liberalize completely, both economically and politically, and they’d be able to break it open and feast on the insides like they did with the USSR. Instead, since then, and especially since the appointment of Xi Jinping as President, China has been moving, more or less rapidly but seemingly inexorably, towards more outright socialist policies. The result of the swing to the right and now back to the left is that China has had one of the longest and fastest sustained periods of economic development in human history.

    Here are some images demonstrating their economic success

    China’s growth outperformed every other major economy by an absolutely unfathomable degree:

    China, following a centrally-planned socialist development scheme, went from poorer than to richer than nearly all of Africa, which was trapped in extractive capitalist “development” hell by coercive IMF and World Bank loans and the austerity policies forced on them by the terms of these loans:

    And China didn’t just create products for export, but materially improved the lives of its citizens to an enormous degree. This is just one example of the kinds of change that Chinese citizens saw in a single generation:

    This is a really important image - China’s economy grew massively while its workers’ salaries also grew massively in the same period, going from the cheapest labor in South East Asia to the most expensive (but, thanks to development of technology, also by far the most productive):

    And here is China’s response to a growing bubble in the Chinese real estate market:

    No capitalist country could ever even conceive of going against the wishes of the finance capitalists, who make huge fortunes off of real estate speculation even as it drives the economy into devastating recessions. But China was able to forcibly deflate the bubble, transferring investment from speculating on real estate into the further development of industry.

    In short, no capitalist economy run by and for the capitalist class could ever have made these achievements. Only an ideologically committed and politically dominant communist party would be able to manage an economy this way, wielding the capitalists as tools to improve the productive forces and raise their people out of poverty while setting the stage for the transition to socialism.

    Edit: here is a long essay, China Has Billionaires, on the same subject, which is well worth the read

  • In a weird twist of etymological fate, they both come from the same root.

    ‘Burger’ obviously comes from ‘Hamburger’, which is named that not because it has ham in it but because it was the regional dish of Hamburg, imported to the US by German settlers along with such USian cultural icons as beer and pretzels and the Protestant Work Ethic. Hamburg uses the German suffix ‘burg’, originally meaning castle or fort but later just meaning ‘town’; that word has the same Proto-Indo-European root as the English words ‘borough’ and ‘burgh’ (e.g. Pittsburgh, Edinburgh) and the French ‘bourg’, as in Luxembourg.

    So ‘bourgeoisie’ is French for, basically, ‘townies’, because as they were merchants and workshop owners, the towns were where the bourgeoisie lived. And the English equivalent word would be ‘burgher’, thus burgers the food (and ‘burgers’ the slang for USians) could be directly translated as ‘bourgeoisie’. And therefore the US was simply always doomed to be the strongest bastion of world capitalism!