Surprising no one but the mgmt teams…

Unispace found that nearly half (42%) of companies with return-to-office mandates witnessed a higher level of employee attrition than they had anticipated. And almost a third (29%) of companies enforcing office returns are struggling with recruitment. In other words, employers knew the mandates would cause some attrition, but they weren’t ready for the serious problems that would result.

Meanwhile, a staggering 76% of employees stand ready to jump ship if their companies decide to pull the plug on flexible work schedules, according to the Greenhouse report. Moreover, employees from historically underrepresented groups are 22% more likely to consider other options if flexibility comes to an end.

In the SHED survey, the gravity of this situation becomes more evident. The survey equates the displeasure of shifting from a flexible work model to a traditional one to that of experiencing a 2% to 3% pay cut.

  • Trainguyrom
    1 year ago

    I work in IT. In 2020 the callcenter I worked at went fully remote and I lost a shocking amount of social skills for someone who’s job it is to talk to people on the phone.

    I then went back to college, snagged an internship an hour away and commuted a hundred miles a day for a year then after graduation snagged a cushy role that’s hybrid and I can say I love hybrid work. You get all of the benefits of being in office for collaboration and you get all of the benefits of WFH with the comfort, freedom and flexibility it provides (plus far less interruption than in the office)