Meme, photo of something, whatever! Bonus points if you’re brave enough to share it.

  • Vanth
    1 month ago

    My phone started freaking out after a recent update and I was just about to go on a trip. So I hurriedly factory reset to get it functional and hoped all automatic backups were good. The critical ones were for sure, but stuff like camera roll I don’t care about as much.

    I haven’t even tried to load and check the camera roll backup yet, meaning the oldest photo on my phone is a whopping two weeks old and is of my parking space number at the airport. It’s a grey Camry, just about the most common color and the most common car. Man, I would never find it if I forgot where I parked it.

    If we expand “devices” to my laptop and storage drives, the oldest photo is early 1900s. A shot of my great grandmother as a little girl standing outside the sod house she grew up in.