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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Here’s the thing. You’re sometimes right. There’s definitely negligent parenting that leads to juvenile crime. There’s also circumstances outside of the parent’s control… The community, the schools, the other children they interact with outside of the home, any mental illness or problems the child might have.

    The common theory here is that the parent should be more involved. But two things:

    • Children NEED some level of freedom. I’m so fucking sick and tired of the people who believe children should be monitored at all times. When you see it in practice, you immediately recognize it as a problem. Those children are stunted socially, emotionally, and in terms of their abilities. A parent who can 100% ensure their child does no wrong is 100% ensuring their child becomes a neurotic or entitled mess.

    • Available time and resources are not split evenly. Before someone says, “but someone who can’t raise a child shouldn’t have had a child” please keep in mind that peoples circumstances change. Ignoring the whole abortion debate, access to birth control, etc, a person who has a child with a loving partner with plenty of money can end up destitute and alone and still have that child. A person who has a support network of siblings and parents can lose them. A person with a reasonable amount of money for having kids can be financially overwhelmed caring for a child that has unexpected difficulties in life.

    Yeah, there’s shit parents in the world. But the law is a hammer that lacks the ability to discern a terrible parent from one who is just unlucky. It’s not the right tool for this job.

  • Holy shit this is the first time I’ve ever heard anyone do the same thing as me. My kids have “home words.” We’ve tried to explain that some people think those words are bad, but we think the idea of bad words is silly and really it’s all about what you’re saying. Similarly to you, my kids will curse every once in a while (and sometimes I have to try really hard not to laugh) but not nearly as much as I did when I was a kid (though never around in my parents, in my case).

  • Just saw the power armor fight last night. I just see it as application of video game logic, and kind of appreciated it that way. Ghoul dude is clearly wearing some armor or something since he tanked bullets to the back. I mean, in the games you can tank a nuke if you’re wearing the right armor.

    If you watch it as Fallout: The TV Show rather than a TV show set in the Fallout universe, it all feels very natural.

  • Sometimes, people think they’re helping. They had a good experience so they say, “They even went so far as to do x” thinking management gives a shit and will think, “Oh my God what a great employee! We must promote them at once!”

    People who have never worked in the service industry, or haven’t for a few decades, genuinely seem to think that customer service is a real thing that companies care about, rather than something they will pay lip service to as long as it extracts more revenue.

  • I’m not a sociologist, and probably there is someone who knows what they’re talking about who has done actual research and maybe written an actual paper I just haven’t seen. But I have this theory that humans need some level of discomfort.

    In part, I think the brain gets stronger when challenged. It needs practical challenges, not just artificial challenges. And in part, I think that suffering is relative. Those people who freak out about getting the wrong color iPhone? It’s literally the worst thing that’s ever happened to them, and they have no coping skills.

    All that to say… We’re definitely fucking ourselves up by trying to make things TOO safe and comfortable.

  • It’s so difficult to try and have this nuanced take with people. I’m NOT trivializing or saying you should "just suck it up " I’m suggesting that you treat mental illness like an illness: Seek treatment, follow professional advice, and be honest with yourself and the professionals you’re seeing. If I broke my leg, but refused to get a cast because I felt it was really a problem with my arm, while lying to every doctor I meet about what happened, people would get very sick of my nonsense in short order.

  • I have a similar one! I did house calls. I got called out on a warranty call, someone said a coworker of mine didn’t fix the problem. I look in the notes and the coworker says he did a standard virus removal, suggested virus protection but was turned down.

    I get there and sure enough it’s riddled with viruses again. Coworker was legit, notes all in order, I tell the client that this isn’t a warranty issue, the work was done, and it has now been reinfected and will need another removal. He seems fine with this, but his wife flips out and demands I prove it got reinfected.

    I suggest that we can check the web history. Since it was popping up ads, we’d see when the pop-ups started, and more importantly we’d see if they had stopped after coworker left. Guy says that’s unnecessary, it definitely got reinfected, and this time he’ll buy an antivirus. Wife is having none of it, says go ahead and check and I’ll see the problem was never fixed. I ask if they’re sure, guy kind of resignedly says to do it.

    I’m not one to kink shame, but when all the trans porn site titles came up, the dude was clearly mortified. I didn’t get very far into trying to figure out if I can prove it’s related before the wife says “just fix the damn thing” and stormed out. I hope it wasn’t too bad for him, she seemed a bit difficult to deal with.