• 5 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • I’ve heard people say ‘but my aunt smoked for 40 years and didn’t have any health complications’ in a fully unironic way. People will justify their smoking, but will also tell you they wish they’d never started because it is so difficult to quit so I agree with you point.

    Now I’ve never used heroin, but that is the feeling people describe: euphoria, calmness and relief beyond anything you’ve experienced, to the point that you can’t really think about anything else anymore. - I’ve read this many times and it makes me deeply uneasy. That sentence should make anyone revolt, but many people will be drawn in by this description just the same.

    In much lesser ways ofcourse that is how people talk about smoking, but I think the point of the video is no substance should be altering your state of mind, but it’s never to late to quit.

    They made it edgy, risky play but I think it will be effective.

  • You wouldn’t be able to start a video like that 10+ years ago, now though everyone knows smoking is bad for you. Even smokers know it, it’s probably one of the most prevalent addictions. People wouldn’t still be doing it after all this time and backlash if it didn’t at least feel good.

    That’s the point they are making, smoking fucks up your natural balance by making you feel good, making you crave more and deteriorating your body in the process.