huf [he/him]

  • 10 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 11th, 2021


  • lol who says he’s the rightful king? where’s the proof he’s even descended from the last king? denethor can point to an unbroken line of rule from kings to ruling stewards, all in minas tirith, all witnessed and documented. aragorn? well, some scruffy old hobo says he’s the direct male line descendant of the last king of arnor. which went tits up more than a thousand years ago. now, if someone walked up to your city claiming they were the rightful king cos his great-great-great-great-… granddad used to be king of some other kingdom (that he lost, lol) but he swears it was a high king, so it counts as a king of your kingdom too… uh, you’d tell them to fuck off. him and his hobo friend. and dont get me started on elrond, he’s absolutely CIA. pulling strings from far away.

    aragorn got to be king cos he “won” the fake war he himself instigated and his “friends” just happened to arrange the death of the current ruler. there’s no proof sauron even exists, wake the fuck up.

    what you have to realise is that ALL the texts we have from the period are actually from aragorn’s reign, and he’s obviously falsified a lot of it to make it look like he had a legit claim for his coup. it’s just propaganda.