• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I just want smaller scale stories where the stakes are high not because of some galactic consequence but because we become attached to the characters and their small worlds.

    Andor felt tense because the world was small so smaller scale crises seem larger. I felt more when >!Kino said he couldn’t swim!< than I did when the Death Star obliterated everyone on Scarif.

    The only reason why I want less Jedi in my star wars is because I want them to feel special. Star Wars has a massive Galaxy where Jedi were a rarity even before the purge so give me more of that. Don’t blow your load every 10 seconds by shoehorning lightsabers into every story.

    Give me a film noir set on Nar Shaddaa or a heist set on Alderaan. I’m tired of the overuse of Jedi like I’m tired of the overuse of Tatooine. That planet is supposed to be a backwater with nothing going on hence Obi Wan choosing to hide there but instead we visit it every other Tuesday because executives think people want sand and brown doors.