
  • 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • It’s funny how big the projection is on making this about sexuality. I think the real story is that they made these kids extremely pale and made them wear long sleeves and pants to avoid the sun. If there’s anything toxic here it’s East Asia’s obsession with paleness (and they are so good at it that they are often paler than euros at this point lmao). For this textbook it’s probably just to convey the innocence of the children, seeing that they’ve been protected from the aging rays of the sun. I’m not Chinese or even Asian for that matter so what do I know though.

  • Short-term, they will probably just invest in defense tech and retreat to their guarded villas while they ruthlessly wield the platforms they own to extract maximum wealth now that the growth game is up. Or maybe something with biotech, I don’t really know.

    Long-term (10 years) it won’t matter what western VCs think because the world’s innovative capacity is all concentrated in east asia (source). It takes about 10 years for research to show up in industry. So maybe they double down on South Korean and Japanese empire holdings, provided both of those vassals remain loyal.

    Or maybe YCombinator becomes America’s SoftBank and heavily invests abroad. It will be interesting to see.

  • I spent an evening reading this. It was absolutely worth it. This article truly peels off the mask of NATO imperialism and nakedly renders the apocalyptic ambitions of white settlers. It is the best summary I have read so far explaining the current state of the world. It also underscores the importance of the fediverse as a revolutionary tool. I think I’m going to default to this from now on whenever a sympathic ear I trust asks me what it is that I believe.