ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]

Decaying corpse animated by gay thoughts and too many painkillers

Highly obnoxious, very autistic, weirdly asexual, ask me about my weird interests

I talk way, way too fucking much.

  • 43 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 3rd, 2023


  • Well it’s like look at Neuromancer, and then look at the absurd conclusions you’re reading. Cyberpunk stems from the heads of western white college lib guys who had as much interest in sexy self inserts as any political commentary. William Gibson did us dirty.

    But also cyberpunk is a genre that cannot possibly envision any future aside from capitalism forever, while also barely being capable of criticising it beyond “big corp bad”, and even then only through the lens of a weirdly orientalist panic about Japan? Plus the genre’s typical views about transhumanism and such are usually cringe bumping up against ableism.

    Of course various later cyberpunk works try to drag the genre into less cringe areas, Akira and Trouble and her Friends come to mind as well as maybe Ghost in the Shell, but the genre is always falling back to its roots, as seen in CP2077 but also in Junker Seven by Olive J Kelley which is a cyberpunk space opera that is literally just american lib electoralism projected on a galactic scale. It’s Awful!

    It goes back to capitalism subsuming critiques of it for profit too, joyce-messier in addition to everything you said about CP2077. Mostly though cyberpunk is kinda cringe at its core and more useful as a stepping stone in the evolution of much cooler genres. It also led to the “-punk” suffix on everything which is a blunder someone needs to be fired for!!!