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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • In their defence, Blades in the Dark, set a trend of having a formal downtime phase which is about upgrading team, healing physical and mental wound, and advancing your side project, and I heard player telling me that they’ve spend 2 (short) sessions on it.

    Even on more classic games, having the player looking what to buy in the books, then finding a shop having it, negotiation with the shopkeeper and so on, can take a lot of time.

    s a DM, I’ve always found it boring as hell. 👍Maximum Derek👍 English4•

    I don’t really like running them, but my players enjoy it from time to time and it always seems to take half a session.

  • So, here is my approach, in the context of a campaign. On my campaign, I tend to have a short list of NPC/Faction/Place and enjoy keeping the campaign on a shorter space rather than a whole multiverse.

    So my technique would involve.

    • Ask the players to give me a summary of latest session, that I’ll crosscheck with my notes.

    • Ask the player what they want to do, following these events. having reccuring NPC/Places/factions mean that I can improvise how these person react to the event (if they do). This will easily burn a hour.

    • While all of that happen, I have time to think about how to relaunch the story, either there is an event which absolutely makes sense in the context The local mafia isn’t happy that you dismounted their drug production lab, when you come home you find a miniature coffin with a bullet inside in front of your door or, even though it’s a bad practice, I throw a “randomish encounter” A big etheral cloud forms over the magic equipement store, and you can see some ethereal creature leaving that cloud and ear screams of bypasser being attacked The latter adds a combat buying me an extra hour to find-out why this shop exploded.

    • Then, I can let the player investigate these events, it may-not be the most complicated investigation I ran, and kinda linear, However, it’s enough to keep going to the end of the session, and have new elements to develop for next time

    For a one shot ?

    In general, I organize them when they’re ready, and I have a lot of one-shot scenario ready on my computer, alternative would be pulling a zero prep game.

  • As in, is any law that restricts people’s freedom to do something

    The problem of this approach is that in that case you refuse any law. Even anarchist would agree that a stateless society need people to agree on common rules.

    Speed limit ? restrict your freedom to do something, private property ? Restrict your freedom to go where you want, does restricting your freedom to commit murder feels authoritarian ?

    Now what’s more authoritarian ? having the state protecing your right to have slave ? Or having the state protecting people freedom by not letting someone enslave them.

  • (Full disclosure, j’ai eu ma carte au MJS puis au PS, je suis parti après le congrès de 2015, j’ai rempilé pour la campagne d’Hamon en 2017 mais sans ré-adherer)

    La synthèse molle, c’est la force et la faiblesse du PS. Une force, car on arrive à unir des gens que beaucoup de choses opposent, une faiblesse car on se retrouve avec un projet mou, et la moyenne entre ceux qui pronnent la décroissance et le revenu universel d’existence et ceux qui trouvent qu’il faut dérégulariser le marché du travail et défendre les valeurs chrétiennes, ça donne un truc vaguement social libéral.

    On pouvait espérer que Macron nettoie un peu tout ça en aspirant les sociaux libéraux, et les gens qui veulent un poste politique quelque soit le parti, mais après Hollande, pas mal de socialistes de l’aile gauche sont partis. Donc ceux qui sont restés sont les élus locaux, et les apparatchiks

    Après, au niveau Européen, il y a en général une coalition à l’Allemande que le groupe S&D rejoint pour tenter de peser un peu de l’intérieur plutôt que de laisser la majorité aux conservateurs et libéraux, donc de toute façon, c’est pas un environnement pour gauchistes patentés, et il va falloir accepter de voter des mesures de droites en échange d’un amendement de gauche. Ça nous parait étrange en France, mais dans le reste de l’Europe, ça fonctionne comme ça, on fait des contrats de coalitions avec une synthèses entre partis/programme et on laisse passer quelque chose de la minorité en échange de son soutient pour ce qui est important à la majorité.

  • Le papier complet est derrière un paywall.

    Un truc bien dans le nucléaire (mais pas que l’aviation ou la santé sont pas mal) c 'est que tout les incidents significatif sont publiés et analysés. Je trouve ça plutôt rassurant.

    Après, le viellissement du parc est définitivement un truc à surveiller. Je sais bien que pour certains obsedés du nucléaire, c’est que du fear-mongering par des écolos anti sciences mais j’ai du mal à imaginer en quoi l’énergie nucléaire soit différente du reste du nucléaire où à un moment les problèmes de vieillissement et d’obsolescence font exploser les couts de maintenance au point où il faut soit fermer définitivement, soit faire une remise à neuf qui financièrement/technologiquement est équivalente à fermer/acheter du neuf

  • So, I started by trying 2-3 models and went for SDVN7-NijiStyle XL giving a cute lemming astronaut

    Great, but that the cute guy missed the unexpected aspect, also I wanted to get some fun neon colour

    so I went for the night club and added neon colour, got this one which was kinda neat

    But the neon colour made me think about the rainbow flag colour, so I tried to get a pride flag on the image, put the US in negative prompt, and generated a lot of cool images.

    Here is one with a flying flag

    Here the whole suit is rainbow coloured, but the ears seems to pass through the helmet

    That one is pretty neat, has all the needed colour but no clear flag

    So at a point I had to choose one.

  • Indeed, when PvP is well done, it can lead to pretty amazing memories, the stakes aren’t the same as the player aren’t trying to let you win. So even though many people would call it a “red flag” it can also be a huge “green flag” and looks like that table was ready for it.

    But you’re right, having a short discussion about PvP and betrayal in session zero is worth it. Remember that even something as small as the cliché elves and dwarves teasing each other is a form of PvPcan end-up in a nightmare with the wrong player, while a full traitor within the PC but playing in a “play to lift” Mood can lead to some of the greatest experience.

    Thanks for the comment, now I want to discuss the PvP option before my next campaign session zero.

  • So to give my answers from the other thread.

    The space between us this has been published during covid as a “larp through webcam” and it was super intense emotionally speaking, I am not going to give any spoiler, but the fact that it started slowly with workshop, and not much happening really helped when the tension started to rise, and the ending was just Waw, don’t forget some tissues, because ninja will be cutting onion

    In the same category, with a lot of bleed, the famous Alice is missing which is somehow a hybrid betqween boargaming and TTRPG. The theme isn’t easy (A kid has gone missing), but it’s the theme which trigger a lot of bleed, add the playlist which will put me back in the ambiance if I listen to it again. and again, expect some Ninja to cut onions in the background

    I don’t think that an english translation is available but anyway, let me say a couple of word about Shadow island a parlour larp in a lovecratian ambiance, about a disfunctional family making a yearly silent dinner, to commemorate the death of “patriarch”. Expect long character sheet (mine was around 40 pages, only background as there is almost no rules), an afternoon of workshop before the game starts, and the whole “silent dinner” concept creates a feeling of weirdness long before the “supernatural” kicks in. Do not read it if you don’t intend to play it and if it’s run near you, just join.