Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman

  • 19 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • This is everywhere in the modern world. There’s got to be a word for it, I’m just unaware of the descriptive word for it myself.

    This is the same everywhere. “Solitary confinement” has been redefined as “Restrictive Housing” and “Administrative Segregation.”

    Just name it something else! Poof, all your accountability is gone because none of your paperwork references “solitary confinement” anymore! Now that it’s renamed you’re totally not doing it even though it is literally the same set of actions with a new, “friendlier” name.

    It’s 100% like Trump saying “if we’d stop testing, we’d have fewer cases.”

  • Finding sources about Bush and Cheney fuckery from 2000-2008 is getting increasingly difficult. Their crimes are getting memory-holed.

    EDIT: Specifically, does anyone else remember the specific act that Bush wanted to hit Quakers with terrorism charges over? I remember it being a bunch of Quakers in kayaks doing a blockade of a naval ship, preventing it from leaving port to go to Iraq. I can’t find a fucking word on it anymore, and I can barely even find sources on Bush wanting to hit Quakers with terrorism charges other than some broken links at the ACLU. Quakers, as a reminder, are the only religious group in the USA that are default conscientious objectors because violence is 100% antithetical to their religion. These are the kind of people they wanted to use “terrorism” charges against.

  • Snot Flickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoBloom County@lemm.ee18 May 1981
    2 days ago

    As a guy who had lots of anxieties and was more comfortable reading a book of poetry, Binkley was an important character for my personal development.

    He was never explicitly coded as gay, (that I am aware of) and I think that made him a stronger character. Maybe he wasn’t struggling with his sexuality, but he was struggling with toxic masculinity that expected him to grow up to fit the nickname “Mad Dog.”

    Further, it touched on how many conservatives would read such admissions as meaning Binkley was gay. Which is why the major flips his lid here in response to what Binkley says.

    Once, when I was young, I had someone sucker punch me snd try to start a fight because I was wearing a tie-dyed shirt and was drinking a root beer because I was the designated driver at a party. In their eyes that meant I was “queer” and needed the shit kicked out of me. I didn’t go to a lot of parties after that.

    Anyway, good for Binkley and his love of non-masculine coded things.

  • Thanks for the well considered reply. I agree that the US’s political system is part of what has held it back from going rogue, but the problems I referenced were all growing cancers that may very well lead to an autocratic Trump empire.

    Just the Trump cases alone are absolutely destroying any credibility the legal system had left, and when people in a nation start to lose trust in their “justice” system… well, things tend to get pretty bad when people stop trusting authority and turn to Mob Justice.

    Even without Trump as President, that’s where we’re headed because he has firmly shafted regular people’s trust that the legal system is in any way fair or just. We all know for fucksure now that the only thing that matters in the US is having money and connections.

    When Trump was elected, it was because he was seen as the outsider to shake things up. People are still waiting on things to be shaken up in favor of regular ass people instead of corporations. That includes conservatives even if they’re too stupid to understand that’s what they are actually mad about. Don’t expect Trump’s wiping his ass with the legal system to not have long-term impacts.

    That’s not going to end well, Trump as President or not.