“Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • I’m not asking for your emotional or instinctive response to the situation, I’m asking you who you hold accountable. Your response seems to hold a tool (hammer/cop) instead of the thing that used it to hurt you(criminal/wealthy).

    Yes, you don’t care, I get it. You can’t engage with serious shit so why the fuck are you responding? There will always be another tool, always be another way to hurt people, stop fucking focusing on the tool and go after the person using it. So exhausting trying to teach morons unwilling to learn.

  • Yeah it’s hard to stay consistent when warped logic is applied to different scenarios. I’ll spell it out for you, Mr. White.

    If a murderer uses a hammer to murder, you don’t ban hammers, you go after the murderer. So then why when the wealthy use the police as a tool, you try to ban police, instead of going after the wealthy?

  • I’m 14 and that’s deep. Way to sidestep the actual point.

    The counter to hypocrisy is to be principled, yet that sign seems to accuse people of the exact thing it represents. I’ll ask again, if your enemies are oppressors, does that make you a self-claimed freedom fighter? Rebel? Or something less flattering - Terrorist.

  • So close to being self aware. What happens when you reverse the roles with the same logic then? Judging a police force for their most violent cops but not judging a demonstration for their most violent participants is what? Are you suddenly a ‘freedom fighter’ because you believe your cause is just? History proves the worst people always think their path forward is the righteous one. I really wish we’d stop getting distracted by this shit and fight against the real oppressors of us all: The wealthy.

  • Because statistics like those often ignore the fact the water they’re calculating is inaccessible for other uses. They calculate the rainwater used to make the grass grow, water we don’t collect nor have available for other uses, but it makes the number higher and shocking. If you see “14,000 gallons of water per cow” you think that’s how much water we’ve “lost” when in reality, it’s a massive bucket of rainwater they’re drinking out of, not a hit to our irrigation or water treatment facilities.

    It’s a misleading statistic meant to shock and manipulate you into a specific way of thinking, a lot like your original comment. I don’t give a shit how much rainwater a cow drinks, I care about how much is being pulled from local irrigation. Rainwater is going to lay in the dirt and evaporate anyway so why is that being calculated? If the answer to how much water is being pulled from our infrastructure is nearly zero, that’s how many fucks I dedicate to it.

    Should datacenters be operating in silicon valley where water is already scarce? No. But people shouldn’t also be living in a fucking desert, overdrawing from the river that lets anyone live there, so maybe they should move. Not like they can’t afford to.