• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2022


  • _NoName_@lemmy.mltoJust Post@lemmy.worldNope. No.
    23 hours ago

    Very often scientific breakthroughs lead to horrible unforseen outcomes (I doubt the first people to create a recipe for black powder forsaw the havoc it’d cause) - but y’all should’ve seen this coming.

    Automation always leads to less workforce being needed pretty much without exception. Thousands of craftsmen were put out of work by industrial machines, replaced with women and children paid dirt poor wages. Automobiles ended the era of horse and buggy (not so great an ending for the horses at large). Shorthand stenographers were put out of jobs by the type-writer. Computer was a job title before it was something that fit in your pocket.

    Bottom line: If you invent something that automates X - everyone who does X will begin to lose their jobs to your automation.

    Either we stop developing automation solutions, or we end requiring people have occupations to live.

  • I think most men have not learned to find inner peace and still suffer from closeted issues. The rate of suicide amongst men is still so high. There’s definitely a bias we dudes who find hobby communities, where we assume that most dudes have found these spaces. I’d argue most dudes in the US are still suffering from isolation.

    I don’t think the fact that many therapists are ‘woman-focused’ is a reason to avoid therapy. You can still find a therapist that really helps. It may just take several tries. As I also mentioned, there are efforts to create methods that are more effective for men, and you can seek out those groups as well.

    There is also still a strong stigma against seeking therapy, and I definitely see that argument about therapy being ‘woman-focused’ being thrown out as an excuse not to try therapy at all.

  • No offense to you, but I definitely don’t think this will address quite a few things that therapy can.

    If all you are suffering from is a lack of direction in life, then this absolutely will help. You could even see improvements in social anxiety and social aptitude.

    Anger problems, though? Alexithymia? Chronic episodes of mental dissociation? I don’t think working on the train crew’s gonna help

    At the same time, It’s definitely been conjected that therapy is mostly woman-focused and isn’t as effective for men for various reasons. That kind of lines up with a few of my previous therapists, who felt like worthless experiences for me. I have heard of some new therapy styles implemented in certain places, though, that do sound to be genuinely helpful to dudes.

    Edit: “social anxiety and social anxiety” woops

  • That logic they’re using should be burned with fire.

    With that logic, cars being highjacked for a crime should make the company liable for the crime (Revolutionary actions would also count as crimes). That gives car manufacturers alot more legal reason for adding kill switches to their vehicles’ engines, which would most likely be used by cops for whatever the fuck they want.

    How about DJI’s drones being used to kill individuals in Ukraine? Steam decks are currently also being used by Ukraine to control machine gun turrets remotely, and they’re able to be used that way explicitly because they use regular OS’s (a major boon to its users.)

    This type of regulation would only further lead to anti-consumer products, and a stronger police state.