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  • 48 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • you can’t transition away from just large cars, you still won’t have the carless infrastructure in place anyway

    I don’t disagree with this, but that’s not the point I was trying to make. Maybe I wasn’t clear enough, since your paragraph re:veganism addresses an entire other issue than the one I was trying to highlight.

    Let me clarify: Vegans, like anti-car folks, are politically extreme compared to the mainstream views. As a vegan, in my ideal world no one would eat meat. Similarly, in my ideal world no one would drive cars. However, we don’t live in my ideal worlds (far from it).

    I don’t condone eating meat, nor do I condone driving cars. But for most people, these are normal, everyday things and they get defensive if they feel attacked for doing them.

    As an anti-car person, you probably have more in common ideologically with a Prius driver than a Hummer driver. Equating the Prius driver with the Hummer driver is, in my experience, more likely to generate a negative reaction in the Prius driver where they see you as an enemy, and the Hummer as an ally.

    I’d rather create more anti-car sentiment than accidentally contribute to motor vehicle solidarity.

  • That depends on your use case, I personally really only ever use RSS on my phone. Anyway, as others have mentioned, you can connect the app to FreshRSS for syncing.

    Also, feel free to ignore this, but you could probably make your point without being so condescending. Something like “Cool, but the lack of apps across multiple platforms is a deal-breaker for me.” Calling someone’s work “cute, but […] useless” after they provide it for free to the community is kinda rude, especially considering it’s honestly one of the best actively-developped RSS apps for Android.

  • Yeah fuck all cars, you’re definitely preaching to the choir there, but if we could get rid of them I’d start with the huge trucks and SUVs first. Your points all remain valid without equating all cars.

    Like I truly wish everyone were vegan, but if someone’s gonna eat meat I’d rather they eat a chicken stir-fry than an EpicMealTime-type monstrosity.

    Same with cars, I wish everyone would drop this inefficient, antisocial method of transportation, but I’d also rather someone drive a Prius than a Hummer.

  • Sure all privately-owned cars are problematic, but I think it’s ridiculous to suggest that small vehicles have the same impact as massive SUVs/trucks.

    Bigger cars are not only more damaging in crashes with pedestrians/cyclists (which you’ve mentioned but seem to think is unimportant?!) but they also cause more accidents because of poor visibility and longer stopping distances. Also, environmentally-speaking, larger vehicles have a much bigger impact than small cars. Not only are they less fuel-efficient, they also cause more damage to roads leading to more frequent need for repairs.

    I agree that ultimately reducing the total number of privately-owned vehicles should be the main goal, but we can also simultaneously strive for smaller cars for the vehicles that are on our roads.