Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]

An anarchist here to ask asinine questions about the USSR. At least I was when I got here. Alt accounts

she/xe/it/thon/seraph | NO/EN/RU/JP

  • 85 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • Don’t forget that ASL is the third most used language in the United States! No point in focusing exclusively on spoken languages, right?

    In any case, I find it questionable to talk about languages in terms of “usefulness” like that, trying to measure “usefulness” based on an objective “number of speakers minus percentage who speak a language I already speak”: there are plenty of reasons why a language can be personally useful to somebody, plenty of reasons to want to learn a language aside from how many new people one can talk to; and heck, learning one seemingly useless language can be great for building the skills and knowledge for taking on another language, or for becoming more flexible in using one’s own first language.

    That being said, you’re not wrong to call the pedestal that French is put on compared to other languages a product of racism… Actually, I’d argue that a lot of foreign language education isn’t even meant to get you proficient in that language, but rather more for the sake of, like, standardized school tests. Thus the languages that are put on the highest pedestal are just going to be the ones where the infrastructure already exists for getting butts in seats and tests on desks.

  • When I was a kid, my granddad had a Nintendo 64 (we got that N64 for ourselves after he died when I was a teen) and we had a Wii at home, and we had one of those early DSes that let you play GBA games; when we got rid of that old DS, we replaced it with a 3DS; and I used emulators (often those free online ones that don’t let you save your progress) to play NES and SNES and old-school Game Boy games (and we also had a neighbor with a real-life Game Boy Color), and after we got rid of our classic DS I started playing GBA games using online emulators, too; and when I lived in a school dorm I got the chance to play a little Switch in the common area with the others on my floor.

    …Which means that the only two Nintendo consoles that I never really got to experience either IRL or through an emulator were the Wii U and the GameCube, and of those, I don’t really remember the Wii U having any particularly noteworthy games — whereas even as a kid I was definitely always curious about the old GameCube games like Luigi’s Mansion and Super Mario Sunshine and Metroid Prime and all that, I still am curious about them now. And so if I have to choose one single Nintendo console, whatever that “choosing” means, I’m honestly going to go for the one that I always wanted to play but never got the opportunity to.