• PizzaMan@lemm.ee
    7 months ago

    Have you? Dems and repubs switch control back and forth constantly. We still have genocide supply, abortion bans, no functional student debt relief.

    The SCOTUS is republican though. The republican SCOTUS killed Roe. Have you been living under a rock?

    What if every person telling me to vote the lesser of two evils, voted independent?

    “What if the sky turned purple?”

    The sky is not going to magically turn purple.

    • Discoslugs@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      What if every person telling me to vote the lesser of two evils, voted independent?

      “What if the sky turned purple?”

      The sky is not going to magically turn purple.

      Lol. But YOU are the person telling me to vote lesser of Two evils.

      YOU are the one refusing to change for the better. You and a bunch of people who think like you.

      Im gonna spell it out for you because it seems you are having trouble.

      You’re the problem. you are the reason 3rd party candidates don’t get enough votes. Because YOU dont vote for them and tell other people not too vote 3rd party.

      Am i being clear?

      • PizzaMan@lemm.ee
        7 months ago

        Lol. But YOU are the person telling me to vote lesser of Two evils.

        I don’t see how that has any relevance to my pointing out how ridiculous the “what if everybody suddenly changed their behavior and did X”.

        YOU are the one refusing to change for the better.

        You’re the one abstaining from voting, therefore refusing to help make change happen.

        I on the other hand am voting for candidates willing to bring election reform to fix the two party system issue.

        You’re the problem. you are the reason 3rd party candidates don’t get enough votes

        It’s an inherent bias in the FPTP election system we have. I’m not responsible for the inherent mathematical behavioral flaw in the system I never agreed to or created.

        Am i being clear?

        You’re being clear. I understand perfectly well what you’re saying. But you’re failing to understand how emergent behavior works.