Mr Milei’s rival, economy minister Sergio Massa, called him to concede.

Former US President Donald Trump congratulated Mr Milei on his victory, saying he would “Make Argentina Great Again!”.

The election comes at a difficult time for Argentina with rising inflation and an economy in crisis on peoples’ minds.

Mr Milei’s proposals, which included detonating the central bank, won support with voters desperate for change…

    10 months ago


    For people who are not from Argentina, you should at least make the effort to understand the current problems argentinian society is facing.

    If you don’t care to do that, why even share any opinion at all and just hate Milei.

    There’s a lot of good reasons to hate the other candidates too. Even more than Milei if you ask me. The thing is, this guy does not come from the elite ruling class.

    Disclaimer: I am not Argentinian, but I have family and friends over there.