• TheBoyo2547@lemmy.world
    8 个月前

    It sucks because it’s such a big sport here in Scotland, it’s strange that people use the defense other things are worse to make it seem like it’s not a problem. It’s mainly stupid since there are plenty of other spots that have the similar qualities, without the masses of land lost and wasted water.

    I also think it’s funny just how much it costs to go golfing, some courses here in Scotland have a membership system with like silver, gold and platinum.

    It feels like a very elitist way to price a sport, and no I would rather not spend a months wage per year to hit a ball down a field for a year, mini golf is much cheaper, more enjoyable and environment friendly, and I’ll be just as shit as I would be at golf.

    • nixcamic@lemmy.world
      8 个月前

      Scotland is one of the few places where golf can actually be somewhat environmentally ok. Like, grass actually grows there without you having to do crazy stuff to it.