Never trust the corporations excuses.

PS: I wasn’t sure if this was a good fit for this community, but I couldn’t think of another. Any suggestions?

    8 months ago

    the unfortunate reality is that many stores cannot even afford to unionize. the existence of Walmart had already destroy the local markets and no strings attached terms offered from the local government would crater the economy if Walmart just take the ball and go home.

    Walmart preys on these towns and offers them deals they cannot refuse, because they can always open one up next town instead.

    ever wondered why the techy bay area has only 1 Walmart while there are at least 5 across the bay? it’s because the bay area is rich enough to not agree to Walmarts bullshit terms.

    when the end result of unionization is plunging the entire town into economic hardship I wouldn’t do it either.