• 11 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • The scenario of a split is interesting but very low probability since there are Democraticame Senators who can make sure that doesn’t happen by their vote.

    How does your math work?

    It takes a single D senator cough Joe Manchin cough voting for this for it to pass the Senate, then it will pass the Republican House.

    You realize there are consequences for this that will last decades if it’s ever overturned?

    This ain’t a fucking game, this effects peoples lives. It effects if people will live…

    And playing with them like they’re pawns is something republicans do, Dems joining in hurts their turnout and when turnout is low, republicans win.

    If it’s just political.points to show republicans won’t do anything, why not use healthcare?

    Why use something that if literally anything goes different than expected, republicans win?

  • Biden and Schumer have been very open about how changing a Dem Senators mind on anything is impossible…

    And it’s a 50/50 split in the Senate…

    So what happens if just a single Dem does what Biden has been asking for and votes for this bill?

    What happens if it’s a party line vote and the VP uses her tie breaker to do what the president keeps asking for?

    Like. You’ve heard the name “Joe Manchin” before…

    Haven’t you?

    And if it passes the Senate, why wouldn’t the house pass it?

    They’re playing with people’s fucking lives for decades in the future to pull some minor political points that won’t change a single vote from R but will decrease Dem turnout.

    It makes literally no sense.

  • This is what “blue no matter who” gets us.

    Politicians who don’t care what we want because they’re entitled to our votes as long as they’re not as bad as Republicans.

    Right now Schumer and Biden are trying to pass a “border bill” that would make some of the things we gave Trump shit for legal. Like, Biden really wanted to codify that any sitting president can “shit down the border” and prevent any asylum seekers from entering.

    A child could see that if that passes, republicans will always say it needs done in office. Millions of people will be hurt by it, but it gives moderate Dems another knife to Dem voters throats:

    Vote for me, or republicans will do that thing I just passed a law to let them do!

    And there’s no guarantee the Dem won’t do it anyways.

    It’s really like watching a real life Brewster’s millions, Biden keeps doing shit that’s going to cost him the election, but apparently even listening to someone 40 years younger or even slightly to the left isn’t something Biden can handle.

    He only compromised with Republicans, and then gives them everything they want.

    If protests don’t work to change Biden’s mind, what will?

    What other options do voters have?

  • President Joe Biden previously endorsed the border provisions, and while Trump and other Republicans have called it too weak, the bill would have marked a tough change to immigration law and would have given the president far-reaching powers to restrict illegal migrant crossings at the southern border.

    The White House and top Democrats have discussed taking more action on the border ahead of the first presidential debate next month, CNN previously reported. Those plans, intended to strengthen the party’s hand on a critical campaign issue ahead of the 2024 election, also potentially include a sweeping executive order limiting migrants’ ability to seek asylum, sources have told CNN.

    Biden’s getting protested by his own party for acting too much like Republicans…

    So now Dems are going to act even more like Republicans? We can’t address real problems, but we’re working with republicans on “border security”?

    If Dem voters always “vote blue no matter who” then the party is going to keep moving right under the misguided idea that trump voters will vote for Biden.

    I truly wish it didn’t take abstaining from the vote to get the message across, I don’t even know if that will work honestly. But it’s clear they don’t give a fuck about protests when they’re in power to do something.

    I’ve watched the party pull to the right for 30 years now. Shutting up and voting for the lesser of two evils isn’t sustainable long term. The party needs to move back to the left, but they never will if we keep blindly voting for Dems that agree with Republicans on this stupid shit.

  • You don’t think electing a guy who spent 50 years saying literally nothing would ever stop or even reduce his support of Israel has anything to do with Israel no longer listening to America?

    Like, you know pretty much every modern president has been in this situation?

    When it was Obama, he drew a hard-line and said if Israel didn’t ease back he’d cut them off. Biden was pissed and publicly disagreed with him

    But Israel backed down.

    It’s been happening all the way back to Reagan.

    Biden is the only president Israel won’t listen to, because Biden has spent a literal lifetime telling them they can do anything they want.

    Can you not connect two steps of logic?

    Did you think people honestly meant Biden was running around like Rambo committing war crimes?

  • I wish the moderates gave a shit about protest when they’re in office.

    When it’s a Republican being protested they always cheer from the sidelines and say they would be there…

    But they never mention why they’re not actually there.

    And when they’re in office and have a chance to actually work with protesters to address concerns, they start rambling about how it’s somehow antidemocratic and we have to shut the fuck up because protesting draws attention to the unpopular shit they’re doing.

    Like, that’s the entire point of protests to draw attention to the unpopular shit our government is doing.

    The moderates just forgot that what protestors are trying to do is enact change and not just hurt the poll numbers if whoever is in office currently.

    All Biden has to do is listen

  • People always mad at others for having standards…

    You can spend your time convincing them to hold their nose, or convincing politicians to be better.

    There’s still 6 months to the election, plenty of time for Biden to pull his head far enough out of his ass to still manage to beat trump. It legitimately wouldn’t be hard.

    But that’s where time is best spent. Being loud and demanding more from the people who need votes to win.

    Lots of people agree with Cardi on this, she’s just got a microphone.

    “I feel like people got betrayed,” Cardi said of Biden. “It’s just like, damn, y’all not caring about nobody. Then, it really gets me upset that there is solutions to it. There is a solution. I know there’s a solution because you’re spending billions of dollars on any f-----g thing.”

    She also said she was concerned about artists of color getting “blackballed” for talking about Israel’s assault on Gaza.

    “[America] don’t pay for endless wars for countries that have been going through s— for a very long time,” she said. “There’s countries [where] kids are getting killed every single day, but because the [U.S.] won’t benefit from that country, they won’t help. I don’t like that America has this superhero cape on. We never did things to be superheroes. We did things for our own convenience.”

    Americans have needed shit like a functional healthcare system for generations, 80 fucking years now republicans and moderate Dems have said we don’t have the money for it. Even tho it would literally be cheaper than the current system.

    But we just got billions laying around to fund a genocide?

    If Dems want people to vote, they need to actually be a left wing party and help people. Not just be the absence of more damage. That is undeniably better than more damage, it just doesn’t motivate voters.

  • Who the fuck listens to blue check marks on X?

    Like, OP do you actually believe this shit?

    If some 80s gogo Reaganaunt knew “one simple trick” to put profits up 7x he’s sure as fuck not telling a single soul.

    But this is the stupid shit they’d do if they had a financial incentive to push return to office, like long term investments in corporate real estate…