I grew up with a thick Australian accent with a drawl I dislike, and have been consciously trying to change it for a while. The problem is I tried to make it sound more American at first but keep getting drawn to speaking “Britishly”. Now it’s a Frankenstein of all 3 accents and I don’t know what to go with.

Some points for both:

▪︎ American accent sounds “cooler”

▪︎ British accent sounds more “proper and elegant”

  • Australian accent sounds more “relaxed” (but I dislike this for myself, personally).
  • Mathazzar@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    When you call someone an NPC, my initial reaction is to respect you less and be more onguard to what other silly things you’re going to say.

    You were doing great in the first paragraph, then shot yourself in the foot in the second.

    • El Barto@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      Completely agree with you. When I say I hate gamespeak in non-game discussions, I get downvoted.

      E.g. “Australia beat Covid” Comments: “Australia gained +10 armor XP hurr durr!”