He kneels down in the booth and the priest says, “ayy, my son, what is it that’s troubling ya?”

The old man replies, “forgive me, father, for I have sinned. Last night I had sex with a gorgeous 24 year old blonde woman and her very attractive mother.”

The priest looks solemnly at the man for a moment, bows his head, and then says, “I see, I see… Well if that’s the case then say 5 our father’s and 4 hail mary’s”

The old man then says to the priest, “I’m sorry father but I just can’t do that. You see, I’m Jewish”

The priest looking perplexed asks the man, “I see, I see, well then what are you telling me for?”

And the old says to the priest, “father I’m 86 years old! I’m telling everybody!”