House Democrats have begun internal discussions about how to deal with the prospects of a chaotic situation: The possibility that Speaker Kevin McCarthy could lose his job in an unprecedented vote on the floor.

While no decisions have been made, some of the party’s moderates are privately signaling they’d be willing to cut a deal to help McCarthy stave off a right-wing revolt – as long as the speaker meets their own demands.

Publicly, Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries has not weighed in on how he’d want his members to manage a challenge to McCarthy’s speakership, saying it’s hypothetical at this point. But privately, Jeffries has counseled his members to keep their powder dry, according to multiple sources, a recognition it’s better for Democrats to keep their options open as the government funding fight plays outs.

    1 year ago

    Honestly, this is what’s going to happen.

    The freedom caucus is going to piss away their leverage because they don’t have the votes to get one of their nutters up there, the dems aren’t going to help them, and “moderate” republicans are smart enough to realize that the freedom caucus is giving shit loads of power to the house minority party.

    The worst part of this, for republicans, is that these nut jobs have either never learned that sometimes in brinksmanship ya gotta grab the other person and jump off the cliff, just to prove that you will. Or they’re perfectly okay with jumping. it’s like they took this as their script because, hey it worked!