President Biden on Friday will announce the creation of a new office for gun violence prevention, an escalation of the administration’s efforts to tackle the issue amid stalled progress in Congress, according to four people briefed on the action who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss plans that were not yet public.

Biden and Vice President Harris are scheduled to announce the new office at an event in the White House Rose Garden on Friday afternoon, the people said.

Greg Jackson, a gun violence survivor who is the executive director of the Community Justice Action Fund, and Rob Wilcox, the senior director for federal government affairs at Everytown for Gun Safety, are expected to have key roles in the office, the people said.

    1 year ago

    My opinion isn’t that unless you’re one of us your opinion isn’t valid. But it is the opinion of many people. Can a straight guy give their opinion or create laws about LGQTB culture in a country and have it be valid. Sure. But isn’t their more weight, insight and intelligent choices when it comes from within the community? I bring that up because in my area I’m seeing parents trying to create rules in the education school that outright ban the topic. Guess where its coming from.

    You and myself and others are shouted out because that sub culture hasn’t grown but its there. Many gun owners are responsible. Many hate irresponsible ones because it brings heat on them but also because it is dangerous and nobody wants idiots around them in possession of dangerous things. But the culture had been insulated and become an echo chamber. Change will only come from within.