In Congress today, the war criminal who has starved, killed and maimed tens of thousands of Palestinians was given standing ovations and 70 applause breaks.

It wasn’t the only thing that happened. Over 100 Democrats boycotted the address and thousands protested outside. Still, I think this cartoon captures the spectacle of what happened inside the building.


    2 months ago

    You didn’t name the profits israel protects… I am assuming you can’t.

    Citing an AIPAC hoes speech from 30 years ago aimed at bolstering the propaganda you are repeating is support for the initial claim.

    Again, US doesn’t benefit front this genocide or support of Israel.

    This support is detrimental to the US geopolitical position. If US cut Israel off tomorrow, nothing would change for the US like

    Israel would be fucked tho. 🐸

    • Cowbee [he/him]
      2 months ago

      What profits do I “name?” That Israel protects US access to oil, ergo profits?

      You genuinely have no concept of geopolitics.

        2 months ago

        That Israel protects US access to oil, ergo profits?

        Lol what?

        You genuinely have no concept of geopolitics.

        Said a guy who doesn’t understand current global oil market lol

        JFC. You are spouting Israeli propaganda without even understanding it. Do some basic due diligence on the topic please.

        • Cowbee [he/him]
          2 months ago

          Lol what?

          What don’t you understand about the US maintaining a loyal military powerhouse in the Middle East to force negotiations in their favor? Bringing a gun to the table when making a deal makes it go smoother for the Genocidal US Empire.

          Said a guy who doesn’t understand current global oil market lol

          JFC. You are spouting Israeli propaganda without even understanding it. Do some basic due diligence on the topic please.

          I don’t quite follow how pointing out that the US has and will always maintain support for Israel to protect US economic interests is Israeli propaganda, I am directly calling out the Genocidal Empire and its leashed dog.

            2 months ago

            US has minimal economic interest in the middle east, look at the US trade flows. No country is the middle east is threat to the US in any meaningful sense.

            Also, we are a net exporter of oil for at least a decade now.

            You spouting Israeli propaganda to justify US support for their clown regime and genocide.

            This relationship is a huge negative for the US geopolitical interests and the world order we maintain. And it appears like the normies don’t even understand these risks because “empire needs military bases” we have bases in many countries without a genocide lol and “economic interests” that nobody can articulate

            AIPAC really got the entire country by the balls it seems sniffing israeli farts

              2 months ago

              Just because YOU don’t understand why the US maintains a foothold in the middle-east, doesn’t mean we don’t. Nor is the US state and corporations that massively benefit from keeping their “unsinkable aircraft carrier” (Israel) ignorant of it.

                2 months ago

                yet neither of you is able to produce an example of a single tangible benefit either US state or corpos get here…

                  2 months ago

                  The US “defense” industry is one of the primary drivers of the US economy. Just as an example, they made $138 Billion USD on the Iraq war alone., 2. Dick Cheney for example, was the US secretary of defense during the first war on Iraq, then the CEO of halliburton (a US weapons and energy company), then the “vice” president. He made millions off these wars, and shows a good intersection of why people consider the US state nothing but an arm or salesman for its weapons manufacturers.

                  Here’s a good summary of the US companies profiting most from wars in the middle-east.

                  Its not just the military of course, there’s a tight economic integration between the Israeli military and US police forces, sharing training, contracts, etc. I def recommend reading The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World for more on this.

                    2 months ago

                    Are we finally admitting that US invaded Iraq on behalf of Israel… some progress at last.

                    However, how is this benefit to the US? Some rich dudes making money that live in America benefited. Where is the benefit to the US geopolitically?

                    I was a fucking blunder.

                    It surely did benefit Israel though. And Israel wants us to invade Iran too.

                    Israel is economy is a size of a small US state, if stopped dealing with them tomorrow, nothing would happen to the US on global stage.

            • Cowbee [he/him]
              2 months ago

              US has minimal economic interest in the middle east, look at the US trade flows. No country is the middle east is threat to the US in any meaningful sense.

              Maintaining control on the supply and flow of oil is one of the more important tasks on the US Empire’s list.

              Also, we are a net exporter of oil for at least a decade now.

              Doesn’t matter, the US needs to maintain control so the world has to trade in US Petrodollars.

              You spouting Israeli propaganda to justify US support for their clown regime and genocide.

              Nope, I want the American Empire to collapse and Israel to be abolished into a One-State Solution. That Solution starts with recognizing why the US supports Israeli genocide.

              This relationship is a huge negative for the US geopolitical interests and the world order we maintain. And it appears like the normies don’t even understand these risks because “empire needs military bases” we have bases in many countries without a genocide lol and “economic interests” that nobody can articulate

              Oh, I think I get it, you support the US Empire and want it to succeed, that’s why you call it “world order.” Additionally, the purposes of those bases are of course maintenance of Empire.

              AIPAC really got the entire country by the balls it seems sniffing israeli farts

              Partially true, but the US needs Israel if it wants to maintain the Petrodollar standard.