Actually, this town has more than enough room for the two of us

  • 7 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


  • Why would you make more money working by yourself, rather than at a job? Why can’t you have a job and a hobby? Why would you be worried about providing for your family with robust safety nets?

    Getting the workers to want to share ownership isn’t veru hard, the ones with pushback are the minority that makes up exploitative owners.

  • What specifically? “History” is vague as fuck.

    I believe that if you gave Hamas a “delete Israel” button right this second they would press it, because Israel is committing a genocide and intends on continuing said genocide with approval from the US.

    I believe that if Israel were to cease genocide and reverse their apartheid policies, and Israel were abolished and replaced with a secular democratic state, they would be fine.

    Do you think that German Jews after the Holocaust tried to genocide the rest of Germany?

  • The US has no intention of stopping genocide or aparthied, keeping a fascist ethno-state propped up by the US allows them to keep a tight leash on the Middle East.

    The UN could go in and help establish a new state. It would happen gradually, with demilitarization of both Israel and Palestine. The IDF would have to be abolished first and foremost.

  • Unfortunately, hard agree.

    The originals were never overtly Socialist, they just criticized the worst of American liberalism.

    New Vegas at least sympathetically showcases Syndicalists, cooperatives, and Anarchists, but never presents a truly Leftist solution beyond a doomer and ill-thought out Anarchist ending. No genuinely revolutionary solutions are available.

    In Bethesda’s hands, however, all critique is defanged and at least as much anti-Socialism is added. There are largely no sympathetic Socialist factions and Capitalism is somehow the status quo even in minor settlements.