
Tesla has received this amount in subsidies from the United States regime according to https://subsidytracker.goodjobsfirst.org/parent/tesla-inc

Tesla is using this to fund Elon Musks 44 billion dollar salary instead of using it to make cheaper cars to compete with Chinese manufacturers. Now the despot Biden has practically banned Chinese manufacturers from entering the US market and provide cheap cars to Americans and is forcing the oppressed starving American people to buy expensive paperweight death machines that will kill their passengers and their loved ones.

So will Mr Free Market Genocide Joe ban Tesla??

Just for comparison, BYD has received 3.5 billion usd for EVs which is not far ahead of what Tesla got. It’s just that the manchild pissbaby 4chan addict is fucking evil and bought a failing social media platform for 44 billion usd because someone said mean words to him on it.


  • Justice@lemmygrad.ml
    1 month ago

    Why would the system punish those who designed it?

    The FTC and FCC both have the power and legal reason to strip that child of apartheid of everything he has years ago, but they both do baby gloves shit. Even if they do seriously go after him I do wonder if that will bolster even more solidarity among the ultra wealthy after one of their boys gets his ass eaten… not that this idea should deter them from doing it.

    I find it incredibly hard overall to have any faith in the system ever do anything effective against Elon or Bezos or Zuck. But hey a few years ago Israel was a forbidden topic of discussion and now we have a growing, vocal movement pushing for boycotts, divestment and, perhaps one day, sanctions that end the Zionist entity. Guess we’ll see