• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • My ex-gf from ~10-15 years ago insisted on “snapping” me all the time.

    I only ever used that app to communicate with her. Deleted it fairly quickly once I saw things were not going to be reconciled this time…

    I made a one and only exception for her because, well, we all know why anyone would make that exception. But coworker GREG ain’t sending me tittie pics while I’m working. So, he can text me like a normal human.

    I didn’t know many people still used snapchat though tbh. And I sure as shit ain’t joining a rando discord for coworkers. I try to not use discord at all for the most part…

  • I dunno about the guy who shot him, but Chris Kyle was well and far beyond just some pawn in imperialism. He was a proud imperialist who glamorized his murders, took pride in his exceptionally high number of murders, and even fantasized about doing the same to displaced, starving, thirsty Americans.

    At some point people move beyond being mere “victims” of imperialism (being indoctrinated from birth) into being willing actors with full understanding and agency in their actions and Chris Kyle epitomizes it.

    I don’t know if he ever expressed real regret for his actions. I don’t think he did, but, even if he did, helping some guy with PTSD isn’t going to undo or “restore” victims of harm he did. The best he could do is be an active mouthpiece against imperialism. And uh he did posses a particular set of skills that could be useful towards that end…

    “Defect, Yankee!”

    “You cannot win, Yankee!”

    But yeah, for people like that they probably can’t ever complete a journey towards restorative justice. Most of them also don’t even try. They’re never held accountable by any government. Society has no punishment for them. The only punishment they receive is PTSD or a general feeling of “I’m a bad person.”

    If they want real justice they’d have to submit themselves to their victims/victims’ families. Which seems laughable to westerners because everyone inherently knows what those people or governments where they committed crimes would seek as punishment… dude killed fuck loads of people in a foreign country. People who were engaged in a righteous and legal defense against him. So instead he and many others go “woah, fuck that!” and decide to drive their vet buddy to the shooting range for some amateur style exposure therapy… they/society never reckon with facts like he was literally shooting people (“terrorists”) who were defending their homes, land, and people from an invading force. Americans just see all his victims as “terrorists” like mindless jihadis who only wanted to murder their own people instead of what they really were which is desperate, angry people trying to resist imperialism. The same people who celebrate Kyle are the same ones now days who celebrate the “brave IDF!” or whatever as they bomb another neighborhood into rubble.

    That’s why I have nothing but contempt for him and why it makes me sick when people try to make him into a good guy.

  • If liberals knew history they wouldn’t be liberals.

    My incredibly reductive outlook:

    Leftists know history and use gained knowledge to choose the correct stance/understand why things are how they are

    Right wing, fascists, whatever else, think they know history, but usually it’s just made up mythological bullshit. Eg Nazis obsessed with Roman Empire shit

    And liberals, less far right, have no fucking clue at all. Everything is vibes based, aesthetic, optics. Things that happened are smoothed over to get rid of the nasty edges. Eg the historical necessity of violence and force at certain points to defeat oppressors. They think labor rights and civil rights just appeared one day after votes were cast and ignore the decades, centuries, of violence against workers, women, minorities like African slaves and their descendants, etc. Once some previously unimaginable progress is obtained they immediately move their mental goal post so that the new thing was sort of always there and no further progress is possible.

    Really sucks when you realize fascists live off in a fantasy land of their own creations. While liberals are busy claiming all progress achieved was done by people like them while simultaneously working to block all further progress.

    So that’s The Atlantic’s job. Claim credit for everything while always doing their best to prevent everything. Gotta love liberals

  • Justice@lemmygrad.ml
    2 days ago

    Maybe the Neanderthals lost because they had too many DEI friendly policies and accepted all the non-Neanderthals into Europe. This is what happens when you trust the Homo sapiens. One day it’s all fun and games fucking the new weird looking great apes, the next day they’re squatting in your cave, painting over your cave paintings and suddenly being woke doesn’t seem so smart. Wake up, Neanderthals.

  • Justice@lemmygrad.ml
    2 days ago

    As a person of pure Angloid ™️ stock, I resent this tweet upon grounds of the inclusion of the inferior Mediterraneanoid races as European.

    I propose moving the nuclear bomb line no further south than southern France

    PS: Europeans are really on a tear recently with the racism. America has never looked so reasonable in comparison! Although we do have people advocating for nuking the Mexican border too so… damn. We need some unhinged Canadians advocating for nuking their southern border

  • Mike is an illiterate, it seems, because unions (so, the will of the workers collectively) in dangerous industries have long said “safety first” as a slogan at their jobs. They do this because the workers fucking care about safety. No one wants to be maimed and unable to enjoy life/continue working.

    Mike is literally thinking (being generous there) of this in 1840s industrialist mindset. I wonder how he feels about age laws for labor making child labor illegal or highly restricted… oh he already gave an opinion there. He’s pro child murder. What about the (still too long) 8 hour standard work day or 40 hour week in the US? Hey why not just roll back to 14 hours, 6 days a week HALF DAY on Sunday- thank you, boss! The kids can work, everyone in the household will work, and you’ll just eventually die on the floor of some hellhole decades before a natural death would’ve occurred.

    Mike won’t care. History of labor doesn’t exist to these types of dumbasses. Anti-labor, anti-humanity, pro-capitalist, pieces of dogshit.

  • The purposeful undermining of former-USSR states like Ukraine and Russia (before Putin said “nah, no more of that…”) is literal fact and obvious to even the most surface level observer. It’s blood-boilingly (new word) angering that these fascist assclowns claim things never happened which clearly did happen.

    Basically my entry and exit point for even bothering to discuss Russia regional draws giant circle stuff is “Do you agree that the US/NATO was the primary reason Ukraine even exists as a separate entity? Do you agree the US/NATO lied repeatedly, basically nonstop, for 35 years to the post-Soviet leaders? Do you agree US/NATO’s goal is to undermine Russian regional influence?”

    A lot of Nazis (referring to liberals as that now considering their actions for 8 months now. Done with liberals) live in their American Exceptionalism fantasy land that is a literal joke to those on the left and the rest of the world. Thinking “America is good” or even “America has morals and standards that it applies and follows itself” is a child’s belief… a child dropped on its head.

    I suppose if you’re dipshitted (more new words) enough to simply listen to the rhetoric and then immediately shoot one of those metal slugs they use to kill cows directly into your frontal cortex then it is possible to believe America is doing things like increasing quality of life or spreading democracy. Otherwise you’ll hear those words and then immediately see the mass murder and robbery that the US calls spreading freedom.

    I’m just tired of these Nazi liberal dipshits. My only response from now is going to be “oh cool, you care a lot about Ukrainian sovereignty?! I hear they need warm bodies! No experience required! Catch a flight to Poland and they’ll surely show you the right way.”

    There’s a particular group, which I won’t name because already on enough lists, that if I could feasibly go over and help them in their actually-righteous war, I don’t know if I would… but maybe. Unfortunately if I did do that and survived and came back to the US I would be locked in gitmo for a decade while DeSantis signs off on my daily waterboarding. If the side you support is fully supported by the US and they even half ass support you going and fighting for the foreign army, maybe it’s worth considering that’s probably a sign you’re supporting the wrong side.

  • Possibly. PA is more of a D state on the state level, but barely.

    It would be interesting if someone like Summer Lee could unseat him. I hesitate to call for her to abandon her current House seat, because the pool of “not demonic” politicians is super low. But at the same time I would like to see the best ones we have elevated as far as we can. And unseating a liar and a genocidal monster like Fetterman is incredibly important. But the replacement cannot just be another liberal but perhaps with better “aesthetics.” The days of “aesthetics” voting (Biden v Trump for example) are over for me and I think a growing number of people. I actually hate people like Obama and Biden, who pretend to be civil and whatever else, more than open “spit in your face” assholes like Trump or, I dunno, Tom Cotton. Obviously the latter two are gigantic pieces of shit rhetorically, but in the end, all of their actions are effectively equivalent. Talib, Omar, Summer Lee, and some few others are the only ones who present an actual measurable, in their actions, difference. Not enough, etc. etc. yeah they’re politicians in the United States. They clear the bar on being human though. Fetterman does not.

  • Justice@lemmygrad.ml
    togames@hexbear.netMao 2.0
    3 days ago


    I always hate in simcity when they’re like “crime is out of control! Build a police station!”

    I just like how more policing or the simple existence of police is seen as the way to reduce crime and not like addressing fundamental problems like the fact I keep sending UFOs to laser all the skyscrapers or that I purposely built a nuclear power plant directly in a residential area “for fun.”

    “Hey guys, it’s me, God. I just shot lightning directly into your coolest building and I keep destroying your infrastructure. Why aren’t you rebuilding it??? Why are there five police stations stacked up in the corner? Are your cops going to shoot me? Build some places for your people to live and work, dumbasses!”

    “I had a dream last night… God told me, “Abe, you must build more highways… and wider ones! So the police can fit a tank on it!” His will must be done.”

  • She can charge Trump and others of his status all day for all I care

    The problem with her, and it’s not just her, but nice try there, and prosecutors like her is their zealous pursuit of minorities, mostly black and brown men, for “bullshit” or petty crimes setting them up for less meaningful lives where their families suffer for their absence, their communities suffer, and of course the individuals suffer. These prosecutors, these administrators of the “justice” system in America, are the most forward facing displays of evil.

    So, in summary, you seem to support destroying minority communities even further. Ironic to bring up “sucking off Trump” or whatever when you support his literal fucking policies of “tough on crime” aka “liquidate young black men, bulldoze black communities, put them in prison or shoot them.” Typical liberal.

  • More leisure time would mean more time to become educated and/or form real bonds within communities (again).

    People breaking free of the “cuck mindset” that is prevalent under capitalism of “it is natural to have unaccountable, non-elected, non-workers own the company/corp and steal profits from workers” is the ultimate fear.

    I’m not sure WHY that mindset hasn’t already broken, everyone inherently knows stockholders and basically everyone above a direct manager of workers does jack shit, everyone knows this, yet they don’t go to the logical step of “we could just eliminate the people doing nothing, take their ill gotten capital, and make them workers too…” Very quickly societies everywhere could reduce overall working hours once commodity production purely for profit of an owner class is no longer the priority of every industry.

    That doesn’t mean not producing ANY commodities, but the ones which are produced would not be purposely shit-quality, built with obsolescence in mind to force more production sooner. They would be designed to “last forever” within reason.

    Yes it would mean less labor (bring this up IRL and listen to people howl over this)… and that’s a good thing AS LONG AS labor has already taken the reigns of government power, seized all industries and resource extraction, and has a (true) democratic government in place that ensures the meaningful existence of all people.


    Unfortunately, we seem to be rocketing towards a future more like that (kinda shitty but good idea) movie “Elysium” from like 10 years ago. Where the ultra wealthy live almost like humanities’ gods, literally up in the heavens, because they hoarded all the life improving technologies for themselves. We already see some level of that happening if you look at the entirely separated-from-reality life that billionaires live while shooting themselves up with crazy serums to turn into jacked bodybuilders at the age of 55.

  • Justice@lemmygrad.ml
    tochapotraphouse@hexbear.netbye bye youtube
    4 days ago

    Just as a protip or whatever for people, if you split tunnel VPN traffic specific domains that twitch uses for ads, you will get no ads. You just gotta VPN to countries which don’t serve ads. An easy one included with most cheap, commercial VPNs is Ukraine. They don’t have ads. Neither does Russia, although proxies and VPNs to Russia are less common I guess due to sanctions. Poland has ads but less to my knowledge. You can google like Twitch ad domains and find the domains Twitch uses. I have several domains automatically routed through different VPNs in my home network and all my Twitch traffic is included in that. Never get ads except if the VPN stops working.

  • This is the question btw. It’s incredibly ambiguous what constitutes a drug user in this context. It’s setup basically that you can hit 1 (or both) of 2 conditions: unlawful user [of drugs] or addicted to [drugs]. Well, addiction is problematic alone since what if you never got diagnosed with an addiction? Most people wouldn’t. But for the user part, there’s no timeline or amount given. Smoking weed once at 16 would make you an unlawful user of drugs for life from a certain viewpoint. In fact, IIRC, when I bought my first handgun I kinda half-jokingly asked the shop owner (a friendly but obviously extremely right wing “you smoke weed and I’ll shoot your ass, boy” type of guy) what constitutes a drug user… he just replied with “do you smoke weed? Check yes.” I didn’t and actually never had… perhaps still haven’t, pleading the 5th on that part, so I checked no and got my gun (a revolver).

    So it’s a shit question. Many of the questions are shit. I cannot take this seriously when Hunter violated a law that almost everyone who owns a gun PLAUSIBLY also violated. I don’t care particularly if he goes to prison, but at the same time anything Hunter has done I can basically guarantee Trump’s son in law Jared or his two actual sons have done far worse. Hunter got paid off from Ukraine and maybe China as a nepobaby position. Jared got paid off by Saudis. I’m not sure why I should care about Hunter’s gun either way. Charge him with some crime related to bribery and charge Jared too.

    "Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?

    Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside."