• jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
    3 months ago

    “You have to go all the way back to 1964 to find a state that kept a major party presidential candidate off the ballot”

    Well, shit, now I have to find out what happened in 1964…

    Fucking Alabama and George Wallace… Removed Johnson from the ballot.


    “The primary chose a set of unpledged Democratic electors.[3] by a margin of five-to-one,[4] Under Wallace’s guidance, the Alabama Democratic Party placed this slate of unpledged Democratic electors on the ballot,[5][6] against the advice of some legal scholars,[7] but after planning to run for president himself (as he would do in 1968), decided against this in July. Johnson was the third winning president-elect to not appear on the ballot in Alabama, after Abraham Lincoln in 1860 and Harry S. Truman in 1948.”

    There’s Biden’s election line… “I’m joining a short list of Presidents removed from the ballot in Alabama, Lincoln, Truman, Johnson, and me…”

  • IninewCrow@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    The biggest question I have for the most powerful nation in the world is … why everyone settled on either an 81 year old who is obviously suffering from their old age … and a 77 year old fascist.

    • jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
      3 months ago

      Because one is a sitting President and the other thinks he should have been the sitting President.

    • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      The dnc election nomination is controlled by superdelegates that just get to pick whoever they want.

      These superdelegates are supposed to be free agents. The reality is; they’re bought and paid for by the rich donors.

    • Annoyed_🦀 🏅@monyet.cc
      3 months ago

      I’m guessing the general public have no choice whatsoever on who the party select their representative, in this case two old dinosaurs. It’s basically the biggest issue with first pass the post voting system.

    • halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      This isn’t the Biden admin. This is because the DNC set the date for their convention to officially select the party candidate so late that it’s after State deadlines. Who knows why they made that decision, it’s not the first they have, and the DNC aren’t the only ones. The Republicans did the same thing in 2016 when Trump was elected. Alabama had to pass a law to extend the deadline for the RNC to select late that election.

      • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
        3 months ago

        Could be that the DNC, like the bunch of entitled idiots that they are, assumed that the rules weren’t important and people would make an exception for them.

  • LovingHippieCat@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    This isn’t the DNC fucking shit up. It’s a thing that’s happened several times before including in 2020. The article goes over how in 2020, Oklahoma, llinois, Washington, and Montana accepted provisional ballots from both the RNC and the DNC. In 2020, the RNC was from August 24th to 27th. The DNC was from August 17th to 20th. This is not a fuck up, it’s just that the rules are being enforced more strictly this year, particularly in republican states. I wonder why Republicans would enforce rules more strictly in an election year they intend to fuck with as much as they can. Totally isn’t a partisan weaponizing of laws that are usually not a problem to deal with.

    • Zaktor@sopuli.xyz
      3 months ago

      It most certainly is a fuckup. “They did it before” is brain dead excuse, because before they did it for their team. Washington is going to be fine, but they’ve handed the keys to some red state legislatures that will absolutely use it against them. That’s a fuckup. Don’t give your fascist opponents tools to fuck you over. They’re bad people, treat them as threats.

      • LovingHippieCat@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        They didn’t just do it for “their team”, they did it for Biden in 2020 too. The campaign had no reason to believe that it was going to be an issue because it never has been before. Should they have probably picked an earlier date? Sure. But, again, they had no reason to think this would be weaponized in the way its being weaponized. We can’t just have people combing through all the election laws in every state in order to pick what date the DNC will be. That’s tens of thousands of laws, often laws that haven’t been used in decades or even laws from over a hundred years ago, the campaign has bigger fish to fry.

        This is similar to the laws that have been used this year to keep several trans candidates from being on the ballot because they didn’t list their deadnames. They were laws that no one had used in decades to the point that there wasn’t even a line for it. Republicans/Fascists pulling tiny laws out of their asses in order to fuck with the election is incredibly difficult to predict.

        We should be focusing on actual important issues and how they should be handled. Issues like abortion, the Palestinian genocide, health care, and human rights for minorities just to name a couple. Those are the issues we need to be challenging the Fascists on because those issues will tip the election.

        • Zaktor@sopuli.xyz
          3 months ago

          They didn’t just do it for “their team”, they did it for Biden in 2020 too.

          In 2020 the Democratic convention was before the Republican one. They couldn’t do it selectively. Doing it for their team had the side effect of helping the Democrats.

          The campaign had no reason to believe that it was going to be an issue because it never has been before.

          No one, especially not someone doing politics professionally, should be naïve enough to think that Republicans would not use every tool they were given to sabotage Democrats in this political environment.

          We can’t just have people combing through all the election laws in every state in order to pick what date the DNC will be. That’s tens of thousands of laws, often laws that haven’t been used in decades or even laws from over a hundred years ago, the campaign has bigger fish to fry.

          That’s literally what lawyers do. And this wasn’t a dead law unused for hundreds of years, they were explicitly passing temporary changes to it just last cycle. It should have been on the radar. You give every goddamned excuse for incompetence. This is the future of the country, and in some sense the world, on the line. “Oh there are too many laws to remember!” would never fly in business, and that’s just for money.

          We should be focusing on actual important issues and how they should be handled. Issues like abortion, the Palestinian genocide, health care, and human rights for minorities just to name a couple. Those are the issues we need to be challenging the Fascists on because those issues will tip the election.

          We should have a competent team managing elections, or else all that will be is just talk. People in professional Democratic politics just fuckup and fuckup and fuckup again and people like you make excuses for them. I want to win, and the flagship organization supporting that should be staffed by competent people checking everything three times over, and who understand that Republicans are their enemies, not reasonable public servants who will of course extend them a courtesy to help fix their scheduling problem.

  • Zaktor@sopuli.xyz
    3 months ago

    God, could I just ask for a little competency in the people whose job it is to get Biden reelected?

    • Beetschnapps@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      They do, (for better or worse) Biden’s a career politician who has consistently won elections for decades. He beat trump before and has been out raising him this whole time.

      Check out OPs post history. It’s almost like they only post articles meant to give you a certain impression…

      • Zaktor@sopuli.xyz
        3 months ago

        No, they clearly don’t, because they didn’t fucking check when these deadlines were and then just handed over a dumb story to people they should know want to do them harm. Washington probably will cover their ass, but Ohio and Alabama will be all too happy to hang them out to dry. This is a national organization taking in millions of dollars to support their mission of winning the perpetual “most important election”, you’d think they’d pay a lawyer to check fucking filing dates. You’d be fired for this at a normal job, but it’s just endless second chances in the Democratic establishment.

        Biden winning a blue seat for decades isn’t evidence his team or the DNC (whoever made this call) is good at their job, unless you also think Chuck Grassley has the best and brightest political minds working for him. And OP has nothing to do with this. They didn’t make up this story of incompetence, it’s running on national news. Pretending OP is the problem is just sticking your head in the sand.

        • Beetschnapps@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          Relax, this isn’t the first time conventions were held past the date it’s just the first time republicans wanted to use it as a threat to keep an insurrectionist on the ballot.

          Also, candidate Biden’s team doesn’t set nomination conventions for the Democratic party. It makes no sense blaming it on him.

          That level of control you’re upset at NOT seeing is the boogie man they lie about when they claim Biden and Hillary controlled all the strings to shut out poor helpless Bernie. Can’t have it both ways.

          • Zaktor@sopuli.xyz
            3 months ago

            Holy shit, get with the times, man. Republicans are not going to pass a law to give the DNC an exception. They are enemy actors. Don’t be surprised when some bygone comity, most recently driven by a need to support their own candidate’s late convention, doesn’t carry forward. Treat them as threats and don’t give them tools to screw you over.

            Also, candidate Biden’s team doesn’t set nomination conventions for the Democratic party. It makes no sense blaming it on him.

            I never blamed Biden for this. You’re the one who said that Biden’s wins means the people who did this were competent. The people setting up the convention are however, certainly “working to get Biden elected” (the actual people I blamed). Though I find it massively naïve of you to assume his direct campaign staff are just passive onlookers in the process. Even if they were, they should be on it too. If a third party’s incompetence can fuck up your ballot access, double check their work. These weren’t secret dates and everyone knows who’s in charge in Alabama and Ohio.