Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.

  • 86 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Yes they have … there were periods in human where some individuals were so enormously wealthy and powerful that we referred to them as kings, queens, emperors, or living gods that had ultimate control over the life and death of everyone in their sphere of influence.

    Today is no different, we just call them billionaires now.

    Humanity outgrew the idea of all powerful monarchies and God kings … we’ll eventually outgrow the notion of any one individual owning so much wealth they don’t need in one lifetime.

    Unfortunately, we are just dumb animals that by then, we’ll invent some other selfish method of concentrating power to a small group of people.

    If we ever make it that far.

  • No one is safe including the rich.

    The biggest major effect that global warming will have in the next few years or about 20 to 30 years is … mass migration. Once that starts in earnest, countries will be breaking out in conflicts everywhere. We aren’t cooperating with ourselves within our established borders now, what do you think will happen when millions of people start moving around to avoid the heat and more natural disasters.

    Everyone will suffer … the only thing the rich buy themselves is time because we are all headed to the same global environmental apocalypse.

    I feel good that I’m middle aged now because I will have lived my younger years when the world was doing relatively OK.

    I feel bad for anyone born right now because they’ll either see the beginning of the end or start surviving it.

  • Looks at the Borg system and loss of individuality … the individual is taken care of, biological needs are met, they are made stronger, you get personal shields for protection, your health is taken care of automatically, your senses are augmented and made stronger and more perceptive, you can interface with any digital or biological system, you are in constant contact with the whole community, you live in a community of equals like yourself.

    Looks at the system we currently live in

  • In that same vein of logic … they should name the Highway Construction Worker as our Provincial Animal at this point.

    If only we could come up with a new more modern way of transporting heavy goods … like mass transports … using only one giant powerful engine … with trailers of goods all tied together by the dozens … on a sturdy road … maybe made of iron … we could build these roads specifically just for these massive transports, separate from the public to keep people safe and save our roads from damage.

  • Whoops … wrong thread (I am rewording my original response to this)

    Trucks gained all importance because it meant it all consumed more oil and gas instead of saving energy by having trains. Why would corporations spend tens of thousands on fuel for a train pulling tons of material across the country when they could spend billions and billions of endless fuel on millions of transport trucks destroying roads made of oil and asphalt that have to be repaired on an annual basis?